Another Delusional Indian....

I give you the name “post reviver”.

7 months later, how is the progress? =)

[quote]Tatsu wrote:
7 months later, how is the progress? =)[/quote]

Hi Tatsu, so the marriage is going well :slight_smile: and I’m back to bulking. Currently at 190 pounds, eating loads of brown rice.

I don’t have any physique pics, but this (attaching a pic) is what I looked like the (early) morning of the wedding ceremony. I carbed up a little (hard to avoid really with Indian food), but I still kept most of the definition. You can see my brother (right) covering up the lower part of his stomach.

I’ll put some pics up of me now when I get the chance.

[quote]enrac wrote:
Hi all, so I’m currently @ 175 and cutting for a wedding. In South Indian weddings, the groom doesn’t wear a shirt for a part of the ceremony (it’s a long story). So, I’d like to look good for that part of it.

I still have about ~40 days to go, but I figured I’d put my progress thus far up. Please Rate my physique as it stands now (I probably won’t be putting any more up prior to the wedding).

Post edited on Feb 14th 2010 @ 18:20 PST[/quote]

I have to say considering how most South Indian guys let themselves go, you really did a good job and there is no way I’ve seen any groom come close to how you look now. So maintain and keep lifting those heavy ass weights!

PS - I’m South Indian too and when I got married at 25 I was pretty clueless about weight training much less the practices for actual wedding day. Watch out for the Indian carbs (IF) you’re a vegetarian.

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]enrac wrote:
Hi all, so I’m currently @ 175 and cutting for a wedding. In South Indian weddings, the groom doesn’t wear a shirt for a part of the ceremony (it’s a long story). So, I’d like to look good for that part of it.

I still have about ~40 days to go, but I figured I’d put my progress thus far up. Please Rate my physique as it stands now (I probably won’t be putting any more up prior to the wedding).

Post edited on Feb 14th 2010 @ 18:20 PST[/quote]

I have to say considering how most South Indian guys let themselves go, you really did a good job and there is no way I’ve seen any groom come close to how you look now. So maintain and keep lifting those heavy ass weights!

PS - I’m South Indian too and when I got married at 25 I was pretty clueless about weight training much less the practices for actual wedding day. Watch out for the Indian carbs (IF) you’re a vegetarian.

Hi Xander, thanks for the kind words. Yeah, most South Indians don’t ‘get it’, as far as the lifestyle goes. I’m lucky in that respect, my father used to bodybuild (still works out in the gym in his basement) and even competed in India (attaching a pic from when he won a contest). So, at least my father and brother get it.

[quote]enrac wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]enrac wrote:
Hi all, so I’m currently @ 175 and cutting for a wedding. In South Indian weddings, the groom doesn’t wear a shirt for a part of the ceremony (it’s a long story). So, I’d like to look good for that part of it.

I still have about ~40 days to go, but I figured I’d put my progress thus far up. Please Rate my physique as it stands now (I probably won’t be putting any more up prior to the wedding).

Post edited on Feb 14th 2010 @ 18:20 PST[/quote]

I have to say considering how most South Indian guys let themselves go, you really did a good job and there is no way I’ve seen any groom come close to how you look now. So maintain and keep lifting those heavy ass weights!

PS - I’m South Indian too and when I got married at 25 I was pretty clueless about weight training much less the practices for actual wedding day. Watch out for the Indian carbs (IF) you’re a vegetarian.

Hi Xander, thanks for the kind words. Yeah, most South Indians don’t ‘get it’, as far as the lifestyle goes. I’m lucky in that respect, my father used to bodybuild (still works out in the gym in his basement) and even competed in India (attaching a pic from when he won a contest). So, at least my father and brother get it.[/quote]

That’s awesome, it’s great to see encouragement from your Dad. Mine was definitely not into weight training but both my uncle’s on my mum’s side were. Interestingly one uncle now lives in Jamshedpur. I think there is a strong BB culture in India now. I think in the past young men would use dumbells, Indian clubs etc and train on the terrace (those were the days!). I saw what looked like a sacred thread so I was thinking maybe you’re a vegetarian? I think your achievement would be even more prized to build something like that from following a religious vegetarian diet.

Congrats on your wedding by the way!

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]enrac wrote:

[quote]XanderBuilt wrote:

[quote]enrac wrote:
Hi all, so I’m currently @ 175 and cutting for a wedding. In South Indian weddings, the groom doesn’t wear a shirt for a part of the ceremony (it’s a long story). So, I’d like to look good for that part of it.

I still have about ~40 days to go, but I figured I’d put my progress thus far up. Please Rate my physique as it stands now (I probably won’t be putting any more up prior to the wedding).

Post edited on Feb 14th 2010 @ 18:20 PST[/quote]

I have to say considering how most South Indian guys let themselves go, you really did a good job and there is no way I’ve seen any groom come close to how you look now. So maintain and keep lifting those heavy ass weights!

PS - I’m South Indian too and when I got married at 25 I was pretty clueless about weight training much less the practices for actual wedding day. Watch out for the Indian carbs (IF) you’re a vegetarian.

Hi Xander, thanks for the kind words. Yeah, most South Indians don’t ‘get it’, as far as the lifestyle goes. I’m lucky in that respect, my father used to bodybuild (still works out in the gym in his basement) and even competed in India (attaching a pic from when he won a contest). So, at least my father and brother get it.[/quote]

That’s awesome, it’s great to see encouragement from your Dad. Mine was definitely not into weight training but both my uncle’s on my mum’s side were. Interestingly one uncle now lives in Jamshedpur. I think there is a strong BB culture in India now. I think in the past young men would use dumbells, Indian clubs etc and train on the terrace (those were the days!). I saw what looked like a sacred thread so I was thinking maybe you’re a vegetarian? I think your achievement would be even more prized to build something like that from following a religious vegetarian diet.

Congrats on your wedding by the way![/quote]

Hi Xander, yes, that was on a vegetarian diet (I do eat eggs though).

wat does ur diet look like i am a indian as well cant eat meat nor eggs

Looking good enrac…

Looking good enrac…

[quote]dev21 wrote:
wat does ur diet look like i am a indian as well cant eat meat nor eggs [/quote]

Hi dev, well, right now I’m trying to lean out, so I’m eating mostly egg whites, almonds, and protein shakes.

If you can’t eat eggs or meat, I’d suggest getting a protein shake (whey).

Is your goal to bulk? Then maybe take lots of yogurt, milk, rasgoolas … (make sure you do some cardio).

PM me if you have more questions, I’m a little hungry right now so I can’t think straight enough to write more :slight_smile:

It’s hard for us to not get fat when all everyone does is feed us ghee all day.

-Another brown man.

mahatma ghandi? up yout protein llower carbs no sugar ,l eat fro a 200 l;lb man do sets of 5 reps real heavy. and see what happwms

[quote]ridethecliche wrote:
It’s hard for us to not get fat when all everyone does is feed us ghee all day.

-Another brown man.[/quote]

Haha, yeah, my mother gets really upset when I get picky with the food she makes for me. I’m getting immune to the guilt trips :slight_smile:

[quote]edk3335 wrote:
mahatma ghandi? up yout protein llower carbs no sugar ,l eat fro a 200 l;lb man do sets of 5 reps real heavy. and see what happwms[/quote]

Yeah, that’s what I’m doing (and have done), assuming I understood your point correctly.

[quote]edk3335 wrote:
mahatma ghandi? up yout protein llower carbs no sugar ,l eat fro a 200 l;lb man do sets of 5 reps real heavy. and see what happwms[/quote]

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:

[quote]edk3335 wrote:
mahatma ghandi? up yout protein llower carbs no sugar ,l eat fro a 200 l;lb man do sets of 5 reps real heavy. and see what happwms[/quote]

[quote]ethanwest wrote:

[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:

[quote]edk3335 wrote:
mahatma ghandi? up yout protein llower carbs no sugar ,l eat fro a 200 l;lb man do sets of 5 reps real heavy. and see what happwms[/quote]

I’m surprised this physique got a 5. Like everyone else said, need more size.

This is what I looked like at a contest I did a few days ago. I placed fifth, and learned a lot about “what it takes” to get into this kind of shape.

Attaching front double biceps pose.