Ankle Mobility & Calf Exercises?

So I’ve rolled my left ankle a few times before, and about a year ago I sprained it pretty badly during a baseball game. After reading up on some stuff and after a few self tests I’m starting to think that I have poor mobility in that ankle.

I’ve been doing some more unilateral work on it in addition to some of the soft tissue work that Bill Hartman went over in a video and I’ve seen some good progress.

Allthough it isn’t 100%I feel like it’s getting better, and I was wondering if you guys think it would be a bad idea to do heavy standing calf raises.

Would it screw up my progress, or is it worth giving a shot?

I would suggest dropping the load at first and slowly work up. One thing take a LONG pause in the bottom full strethced position this will dissipate the STRONG stretch reflex of the tendon and you can get a great calf w/o without the highest load. Id suggest this anyway, just take it slow and strenghten the ankle over time etc.


thanks phill

buy some Nike Frees. Keep working on mobility and soft tissue work. Strengthen the anterior tib. good luck.