
Has anyone under 21 out there used androsol/nandrosol? I’m 19 and thinking about using it at the lower protocol (35 sprays), i’ve been training for two years now and just want to try something new thats gonna increase the pounds. Any advice T-men?

First, the usual advice: Get your diet in order first. Read the “Diet Manifesto” and “Massive Eating I and II” at T-mag.

I’ve known a couple of 19 and 20 year olds that used Androsol, including my training partner. He put on 7 pounds with Androsol and kept all of it at age 20. He used the full dosage (70x2). His only other supplement at the time was Grow! and he usually had one per day after training.

I’m 18, and just finished my 2nd cycle of Androsol. The first cycle was strickly Nandrosol, and this last one was Androsol/Nandrosol. the first time I used about 55 sprays, and the secong time I sprayed 35-40 sprays of each on different parts of my body twice a day for 2 weeks and have seen awesome results. The first cycle, eating about 215 grams of protein daily (really important)and working out 4 times a week, I went up from 137lbs. to 143. this last time, after taking 3 weeks off, I have gained 5 more pounds, getting up to 148. This stuff has really worked well for me, getting me out of a rut I was in for a while. My bench press went up 25lbs. for reps and max went from 175 to 200. I’m now squating 195 8 times, where I was doing 145 eight times. I plan on doing several more cycles in the future. Hope this helps. Good luck

Chris mate, the only diet advice i follow is t-mags advice, as is the training. I am planning a bulking cycle and was thinking of using the androsol in that, my current plan is 3 weeks of GVT-2000 followed by a couple of weeks of a more traditional programme (maybe 5x5, im not totally decided yet) and using the principles of massive eating. I was then planning a week and a half of boxing/cardio type workouts in order to lean out in time for holiday and to practise my fighting skills (us Brits have got a bit of a rep for that sort of thing when were on the piss, can’t think why :slight_smile:

I’ve read all the past articles and stuff and i think i probably will try androsol, anyone else out there had any experiences? Any input from you Cy would be great (us being similar age and all) Cheers guys.

Chris just wondering was there any side effects from your friend using the androsol and what would your thoughts be on a 17 year old whoose diet has been spot on for at least two years and has been training for 6 and training hardcore for 3 of those.if you don’t recommend a full dose attack what about say thirty spays in the morning and thirty at night.

Also i was wondering if it were feasable to do so what sort of results would be achieved if say four doses of 35 sprays of androsol were sprayed at time periods throughout the day say every six hours on the dot. would this not yield better results.

I have. I’m 20 and used it 3-4 times when I was 19. I made decent progress. I however had 4 years training experience. As Chris said, make sure your diet is in order because it will affect your gains more.

im interested in chris’ response, so im just refreshing this post…

No, my friend had no side effects that I know of. He’s an experienced athlete and powerlifter and had been training for sports for at least four years.

I’m no expert on teens and Androsol. My first reaction is to say that I doubt many 17 years olds are optimizing their current diets and training programs and until they do, there’s not much point in using a supplement. (Of course, there are exceptions and a teen who reads T-mag “cover to cover” every week will know his stuff much more than the average teen I see in the weight room making a fool out of himself.)

That aside, I’m not sure how it works on someone still in puberty. Right now, I’d advise against it and suggest a teenager spend his money on MRPs, protein powders, oatmeal and chicken breasts-- food, in other words. Surge would be great for teens, too.

im 17… 225… i am doing massive eating so i get around 350 grams of protein or more a day. The first time i used it i gained 4 pounds… and now when i use it i dont gain much at all. I think I am going to combine for my last bottle of it. And IM going to take 4 weeks off before i do it. What do you think, chris?

35 sprays? beings that your my age id like to think i have more test running through just my penis than 70 sprays of androsol a day can give me. i took 70x2 of androsol for a cycle and gained 3 lbs then i upped it to 90x2 and gained 4 more. its great stuff but seriously i prefer tribex.