I’m a 57 year old woman. I used prohormones very successfully over the last couple of years. I’ve used both oral 19-Nor and Med-Lean’s topical Dione/Diol topical. I have a bottle of Androsol I’m about ready to try and was thinking of starting out with 7 sprays/day for 2 weeks because it equates to the same dose I used for the other two, which were effective. Are there any gals out there who’ve had any experience with Androsol? If so, what dose did you use? Or does anyone have any suggestions for a dose for a woman? I realize I have to be cautious with the stuff, but I’m willing to give it a go and stop as soon as I develop the first signs of becoming a man. Thanks for your help – Rosemary
I wish my mom was cool like you.
Your proposed dosage is the same amount that I’ve estimated is probably reasonable for a woman, but since I don’t have proof of safety and in fact know that a minority of women will suffer virilization from even tiny doses of androgens, I don’t feel I can give any general recommendation.