[quote]Thundersnow wrote:
Thanks for all the replies, guys.
Since I’m in the normal T-level range and still relatively young I would consider Androgel or Alpha Male but I can’t get roids anyway and even if I could get them I don’t want to START with that.
I have been lifting for years so I’m not a newcomer.
Since I already have pretty good muscle mass (much better than the average person) if I took Androgel or Alpha Male for a month and then stopped it I wouldn’t lose my muscle mass as long as I kept working out, right?
I talked to someone who has been on Androgel and he told me that 5mg Androgel is a very small amount of Testosterone and he notices no bad effects but only positives. He also said if you already have good muscle mass and have already been lifting for a long time and you take Androgel and then stop it you will not lose your gains AS LONG AS you keep lifting weights regulary.
So, what do you all think?
My first reply to this board…
Hey Thundersnow, I’m pretty much in the same boat as you although I’m 43 and look 30! HA! We test around the same level also, I’m maybe a bit lower. I tried Androgel for 3 months religeously. I thought that while I noticed a great improvement in mode, and definately an improvement in muscle mass (and yes, I also have been lifting for years), it was a royal pain in the ass to use. You can’t wash it off for 8 hours, and ideally you want it on for 24 until you shower and reapply. My schedule just didn’t work well so there was never a good time to apply it. I have the luxury of working from my home office around 4 days a week, and my gym is the next room over, so I typically split my workouts every day - morning workout and afternoon workout. Then late afternoon shower, Androgel went on, sleep, and repeat.
Anyhow, I asked the endo doc and now I’m using T-Cyp. Oh yeah, I was learly of sticking myself with that seemingly 2" needle, but it’s once a week - and for convenience sake alone I like it. As for results - I can honestly say that a daily dose of Androgel kept things on an even level, while on T-Cyp shots I definately see a boost the first few days, and by day 5 I’m dying for that next show. Ok, maybe not that bad, but I’m going in for a check and blood work in 4 weeks so I don’t know if I’m on the right dose yet anyhow. I’m going to ask if I can shot every 5 days…I think that’ll solve the problem (if any).
My .02…