Anavar Only Cycle Years Ago Might Have Crashed My SHBG

More than 15 years ago, I did a very short cycle of Anavar. I did not use anything else, and the cycle lasted for about 2-3 months. I think this cycle might have crashed my SHBG, because it has been low for years. I have not used any substances since that Anavar cycle.

Due to maniacal overwork and stress at the job for 2-3 years, I have for the past 3-4 years suffered from low T.

The issues I experience the most currently are mental rather than physical. I have headache, anxiety, severe brain fog (this is my worst issue) etc. Physically, I do not have ED, but my libido is lower than usual.

I was given exogenous testosterone, and it raised my total testosterone, but my mental issues almost got worse. I think the real reason my body doesnā€™t produce enough total testosterone is that I have low SHBG. My LH and FSH are low too.

Does anyone know what I can do to raise my SHBG? I think raising it will naturally raise my total T somewhat, and alleviate my brain fog. Exogenous testosterone did not help in my case.

Has anyone else experienced low SHBG, and what was the cause of it?

what exactly are you saying is brain fog ??

Answered this on reddit, but might as well hear too.

No, the Var 15 years ago is not the cause of your low SHBG now.

Raising your SHBG is possible through diet and supplementation, along with fixing any health issues like IR, diabetes, or liver problems.

Berberine and Metformin should both raise SHBG, along with lowering carbs in your diet or by doing IF.

Exogenous test will further lower SHBG, but Iā€™m guessing your low SHBG, LH, FSH were caused by health and lifestyle