More than 15 years ago, I did a very short cycle of Anavar. I did not use anything else, and the cycle lasted for about 2-3 months. I think this cycle might have crashed my SHBG, because it has been low for years. I have not used any substances since that Anavar cycle.
Due to maniacal overwork and stress at the job for 2-3 years, I have for the past 3-4 years suffered from low T.
The issues I experience the most currently are mental rather than physical. I have headache, anxiety, severe brain fog (this is my worst issue) etc. Physically, I do not have ED, but my libido is lower than usual.
I was given exogenous testosterone, and it raised my total testosterone, but my mental issues almost got worse. I think the real reason my body doesnāt produce enough total testosterone is that I have low SHBG. My LH and FSH are low too.
Does anyone know what I can do to raise my SHBG? I think raising it will naturally raise my total T somewhat, and alleviate my brain fog. Exogenous testosterone did not help in my case.
Has anyone else experienced low SHBG, and what was the cause of it?