meal 1: 5 egg whites & a one cup of oats.
meal 2: Protein shake w/ half tablesppon of peanut butter, 5 grams of BCAA, 5 grams of Glutamine, one tablespoon of flax oil and flax seed 12 ounces of milk.
meal 3: 8 ounces of chicken w/ 1/2 cup of carrots and broccoli
meal 4: same as meal 2
Meal 5: same as meal 3
Meal 6: Casein Protein w/ glutamine and BCAA, and 8 ounces of milk
Current supplements I am on are animal pak, animal omega, ZMA, & animal stak.
My diet is about 2400 calories, with less than 100 grams of carbs, I get about 250-300grams of protein. I dont want to drop my calories to much so I can maintain muscle. My cardio is about 20-30 minutes of HIIT 3x a week and i switch that up between running and elliptical machine. 2x a week ill do just regular running for 25 minutes.
Well to certain meatheads out there, i guess you dont know much about Anavar, I been on it for 10 days now started at 40mg for 7 days and now I am at 50mgs. So far vascularity has been showing up alot, especially in my shoulder/chest area. For strength wise I noticed its just starting to kick in before the Anavar I was at bench 225 for 6 reps, 3 days ago I was curious grabbed a spot partner threw 235 for 5 times. Same with deadlifts I was at 225 for 6 reps and slapped on that bitch 240 and went 5 reps. As for definition, its starting to come along, but I dont think this is the Anavar since I have a very good diet, the only days I have a cheat meal is on saturday afternoons. the rest is chicken and veggies all week. Weight wise I was 170pds and since this morning I was at 172.8 pounds, it might be water or might be weight cant really tell yet for another 2 weeks till i weight myself. So far im happy with the results, it seems certain people on this board just like to give bias information about certain gear. And for SOD i knew it was sarcasm but its calling playing along, but maybe you are just to fucking retard to realize that. Peace
[quote]cool731 wrote:
Well to certain meatheads out there, i guess you dont know much about Anavar, I been on it for 10 days now started at 40mg for 7 days and now I am at 50mgs. So far vascularity has been showing up alot, especially in my shoulder/chest area. For strength wise I noticed its just starting to kick in before the Anavar I was at bench 225 for 6 reps, 3 days ago I was curious grabbed a spot partner threw 235 for 5 times. Same with deadlifts I was at 225 for 6 reps and slapped on that bitch 240 and went 5 reps. As for definition, its starting to come along, but I dont think this is the Anavar since I have a very good diet, the only days I have a cheat meal is on saturday afternoons. the rest is chicken and veggies all week. Weight wise I was 170pds and since this morning I was at 172.8 pounds, it might be water or might be weight cant really tell yet for another 2 weeks till i weight myself. So far im happy with the results, it seems certain people on this board just like to give bias information about certain gear. And for SOD i knew it was sarcasm but its calling playing along, but maybe you are just to fucking retard to realize that. Peace[/quote]
Bonez did I offend you??? Its cool pal, just breath and relax. But lets see could it be that you have 4872 posts since Feb 2007, hmmmm probably not even you in the picture, you just sit on your computer and blog away all dayyyyy. Or perhaps your just some meathead sitting at home trying to think of bullshit to type since all the roid shit u taken is just driving you closer to retardation, or perhaps your already there.
I forgive you BONEZ, no need to be so angry, if punching a wall helps or a pillow go ahead and do it.
[quote]cool731 wrote:
Bonez did I offend you??? Its cool pal, just breath and relax. But lets see could it be that you have 4872 posts since Feb 2007, hmmmm probably not even you in the picture, you just sit on your computer and blog away all dayyyyy. Or perhaps your just some meathead sitting at home trying to think of bullshit to type since all the roid shit u taken is just driving you closer to retardation, or perhaps your already there.
I forgive you BONEZ, no need to be so angry, if punching a wall helps or a pillow go ahead and do it.[/quote]