Anavar First Cycle

Never done roids before, just got a batch of 10mg anavar from a very reliable source. I done research online and decided to go with first week of 30mg and than weeks 2-? im going to do 40mg. So i have a questions being that im a newbie, first some stats I am 28 years old, been lifting for about 6 years, just really reached a plateau, im good with dieting and bulking phases.

Right now I am at 170pds about 12-13% bodyfat, my ultimate goal is to add a few pounds of strength but drop bodyfat to about 8%. So my questions are how long should I run this for? Please dont tell me to combine it with some other drug because I cant get anything else, so this is only a Anavar cycle.

2nd question is I am currently doing about 250-350grams of protein per day, plus im doing BCAA, Glutamine, Animal Pak, Animal Omega, flax oil & seed. Would it be safe to take animal pump with Anavar?

3rd question, what do you guys recommend for a PCT, something thats legal to buy on BB or here? Also should i take any liver meds so I dont screw my liver up, even though I know this drug is really low on liver toxic, but just want to be safe.

4th question, when can i start seeing the changes vascularity, and strength? I seen from research that vascularity usually starts kicking in after 7-10 days and strength takes about 14-20 days.

Any info I would appreciate it, Again only respond if you have cycled this before and had good results. Thanks everyone.

40mg/d is a garbage dose. No idea why youre starting at 30 and then increasing it either.

60mg/d is the minimum I’d recommend.

As far as duration goes. Well you should figure that out by research how long methylated steroids are typically run.

Not sure why you think anavar is less toxic than other steroids. Its all dependent on dose and duration. In medicine anavar is used at very low doses, thus the reputation for being “safer”. In doses needed to elicit muscle growth it should be treated the same way as other methylated AAS.

A 100g difference in protein is a lot. Get that sorted out. 400 calories is enough to be the difference betwen gaining and stagnating. This is the likely cause of your plateau.

Read the SERM/AI sticky. No you cant buy stuff for PCT on a supplement site. And no, there is no OTC alternative.

How tall are you?

I am 5’6, I am keeping the dosage no higher than 40mg to prevent any harm. I noticed that most people typically run it for 6-8 weeks. So I am planning on doing the same.

[quote]cool731 wrote:
I am 5’6, I am keeping the dosage no higher than 40mg to prevent any harm.[/quote]

And to prevent any worthwhile gains too?

My ultimate goal is to add on no more than 10 pounds, and cut some bodyfat off

[quote]cool731 wrote:
I am 5’6, I am keeping the dosage no higher than 40mg to prevent any harm. I noticed that most people typically run it for 6-8 weeks. So I am planning on doing the same.[/quote]

Explain the harm that would come from using 70mg for 5 weeks isntead of 40mg for 8 weeks? And which do you think will give better gains and why?

At my size, im afraid 70mg might be a bit to much for my liver, and like i stated before I dont know how to get the proper PCT, I just figured 40mg is better to be safe. Does anyone here have any recommendations for PCT that I can get legally? I didnt know PCT stuff was an illegal substance.

Lol what does your bodyweight have to do with your liver health? We’re all grown men here, well most of us at least. No one here is an infant child.

The only thing you can use for PCT is a SERM. Its outlined in the SERM/AI sticky. There are various ways to get SERMs. They aren’t controlled substances like AAS, so it’s the same as buying antibiotics or viagra without a prescription.

So you can use an online pharmacy or take your chances with the quality of a research chemical supplier. Google it.

If your dealer can get anavar he can get you a SERM

BONEZ thanks for the advice on the PCT, ill see what i can get. We are all grown men here, but everyone is built differently, ill run 40mg for a 3 weeks and see how things are going, and than if its looking positive ill go up to 50-60mg.

Is anyone still going to answer my 2nd question about taking this with animal pump, and my 4th question, how long till i see the difference.

Yes, it is safe to take with super pump. And by the way, you sound like a fool. The fact that Bonez has taken the time to respond to you and give advice is beyond me.

The liver is resilient, a few weeks will not damage it significantly. At the dose you want to do, 30 mgs, your cholesterol and blood pressure will get out of whack already… DO SOME GODDAMNED RESEARCH and quit looking for other people to ANSWER YOUR UN-EDUCATED questions. Get educated, then come back and ask!!! FUCK!

Hey cool you have gotten some sound advice here, at least do a little research on the advice you have been given.

I also think your dose is low and short and the wrong compound for your goals.
If you are wanting quick in quick out in my opinion nothing beats test prop about 3 week det time same as anavar and lean dry gains run a short cycle of test prop for 6 to 8 weeks or you could go a shorter time but let me tell you once you feel the test working you wont want it to end for a while…Use 100 to 150 mg every other day and then run a standard pct of your choosing.

I really think you will be sorely disappointed with the anavar only cycle you posted.


idowhatican lol you need to calm down, your on some roid rage, getting all wilded up cause I asked a question. Its funny cause thats what forums are for to ask questions and learn. So your the fucking retard who needs some serious anger management, if this posts makes u mad just bang ur keyboard numerous times till your satisfied ok. As for the other posts I clearly posted “I CAN ONLY GET ANAVAR” drrrrrrr.

GTFO jackass

Actually, I am not on ‘roid rage’ seeing as how I am not on ‘roids.’ And you are the mentally deficient one coming on here with a picture of your face, talking about illegal drugs, and asking stupid questions. I was trying to express the frustration shared by many people on here when pathetic little fucktards like your self sprout up every other day.

Forums are indeed for learning, sharing information and other peoples experiences. They are, however, NOT for lazy, ignorant people who want to have their hands held and be spoon fed information. Do some research.

Just to keep things interesting, how tall are you? Because from your picture you do not look like someone who lifts seriously.

From your picture, and your original post on this thread, you come off as some part-time lifter who wants to have hawt abz for the summer.

i can see your going to run my face on some database and find me lol. and why the fuck u want to know my height, who said i was here to become a meathead. I am not trying to be a bodybuilder, just going for strength. But I dont have to justify that to you. So idowhatican get off the roids dude, you seem very angry, or u just lack getting any pussy, so my two suggestions like i stated early, get help, or get laid, but I am sure you cant get either of those. So i wish you luck on your meathead journey.

[quote]cool731 wrote:
i can see your going to run my face on some database and find me lol. and why the fuck u want to know my height, who said i was here to become a meathead. I am not trying to be a bodybuilder, just going for strength. But I dont have to justify that to you. So idowhatican get off the roids dude, you seem very angry, or u just lack getting any pussy, so my two suggestions like i stated early, get help, or get laid, but I am sure you cant get either of those. So i wish you luck on your meathead journey.


Good luck to you getting any more help from people here after you’ve behaved like an arsehole.

cool731, you make a good point. Meatheads should really watch out for the roid rage. Because steroids totally cause that.

…as your intensive internet researching no doubt revealed.

Yeah WTF was idowhatican thinking by asking about “ur” height? The nerve of that dude…I mean, “u” already provided “you’re” mass, % bodyfat, and strength and fat-loss goals…how could height possibly be a relevant piece of info?

(Where’s a “smack my head” emoticon when I need one?)

Yeh I know man, people on here just need to relax, like I said eariler in one of my postings I appreciate Bonez for the advice and I will gladly take it. But some other people on here seem like they just want to come on a thread and flip out lol, all I am saying is if you read the thread and you dont want to be involve dont answer it thats all, instead of violently taking out your testicle shrinkage on the keyboard and posting things like “idowhatican”. In other words they just come on here to try to be really tough guys, or internet bullies lol.

We are all here to learn, no question is a dumb question, they might be silly and stupid but instead of punking people off just educate them so they dont hurt themselves. lol

oh by the way my height is 5’6. 170lbs, bodyfat between 12-13%. Goal is add a few pounds 4-8 pds to add strength and drop bodyfat to 8%.

I know you mentioned that you are good with dieting/bulking… can you post your current diet and/or proposed cycle diet?