So I’m almost 22,6"0 ,200pounds(current) in gym for around 10 months went from 170 pounds to 215 now im around 12-14% BF,so I want to try ANAVAR,seems pretty mild and nothing crazy,did a bit of research but so many different opinions that i can’t make up my mind,I want to do Anavar only cycle,i am not looking to put on alot of size,maybe 5-10 pounds from steroids at max,I mainly want to get lean and just get that feeling of anabolics,i love drugs.
Anyway the guy that told me about anavar said I dont need PCT,I would take 60mg a day for 6-8 weeks.He him self doesnt do PCT for Anavar (his into different steroids for over 2 yeas,looks like Lazar Angelov and said hasnt got a single problem).What i have read on some form that anabolics WILL supress your HTPA and you will never get it back to how it was even with PCT,sounds like BS to me,maybe if you do some crazy stacks or i dont know,went doc and my natural T is around 700-720.
Is this truth that it will supress my natuyral T forever and i wont be able to get it back the way it was 100% after ANAVAR?
Would it recover after time?It’s not like im taking some crazy stacks,Its only short cycle of Anavar,60 mg per day for 6-8 weeks.
Ill have to study all of this for a while before doing it
Alot of people say what they read and never even done any of it,im not really sure
Can you elaborate on this statement? I don’t think you’re quite right in the head.
Sometimes bad shit happens when you mix even mild AAS with recreational drugs.[/quote]
What i mean is love feeling of taking something and feeling the kick,everyone does no?
Can you elaborate on this statement? I don’t think you’re quite right in the head.
Sometimes bad shit happens when you mix even mild AAS with recreational drugs.[/quote]
What i mean is love feeling of taking something and feeling the kick,everyone does no?[/quote]
Oh yeah I become a Golden God when I’m on anavar. I just go to my study, dim the lights and listen to No Quarter again and again until I come down. Then I hit the gym.
Can you elaborate on this statement? I don’t think you’re quite right in the head.
Sometimes bad shit happens when you mix even mild AAS with recreational drugs.[/quote]
What i mean is love feeling of taking something and feeling the kick,everyone does no?[/quote]
Oh yeah I become a Golden God when I’m on anavar. I just go to my study, dim the lights and listen to No Quarter again and again until I come down. Then I hit the gym.[/quote]
useless forum with full of “experts” that dont bother to help the newbiews
Can you elaborate on this statement? I don’t think you’re quite right in the head.
Sometimes bad shit happens when you mix even mild AAS with recreational drugs.[/quote]
What i mean is love feeling of taking something and feeling the kick,everyone does no?[/quote]
Oh yeah I become a Golden God when I’m on anavar. I just go to my study, dim the lights and listen to No Quarter again and again until I come down. Then I hit the gym.[/quote]
useless forum with full of “experts” that dont bother to help the newbiews
not humouring the retards is different to hating the newbies. Sad thing is, the retards never understand that.
But hey, why don’t you start another thread? That should do the trick
Shut the fuck up with all this anavar nonsense. Just run some test for 10-12 weeks. There are very knowledgable people here who have all told you that anavar only is a fucking stupid. We have told you what would be better and your being ignorant as shit so don’t sit there and say nobody is helping you, fucking moron.
I did an Anavar only cycle as one of my first cycles because I didn’t want to get too big too fast was scared of gains blah blah blah mild blah ect.
I can tell you it is something would never do again. Why? Because of the cost/benefit ratio. I ran 100mg/day for 8 weeks and I felt good, lost some BF, a gained a couple pounds, looked harder while on it. Except it cost me over $500.
For that price you can get several compounds and pCT at a legit dosage and go for 10 weeks. If you are not disappointed by 60/mg Anavar only cycle there is a good chance you don’t kno how to gain. How much is 3lbs really worth to you? Is it worth more than 15lbs?
If you want I feeeeel something try some test or masteron, or some TBol if you’re scared to pin. No offence but my girlfriend takes anavar
[quote]EkszJ wrote:
So I’m almost 22,6"0 ,200pounds(current) in gym for around 10 months went from 170 pounds to 215 now im around 12-14% BF,so I want to try ANAVAR,seems pretty mild and nothing crazy,did a bit of research but so many different opinions that i can’t make up my mind,I want to do Anavar only cycle,i am not looking to put on alot of size,maybe 5-10 pounds from steroids at max,I mainly want to get lean and just get that feeling of anabolics,i love drugs.
Anyway the guy that told me about anavar said I dont need PCT,I would take 60mg a day for 6-8 weeks.He him self doesnt do PCT for Anavar (his into different steroids for over 2 yeas,looks like Lazar Angelov and said hasnt got a single problem).What i have read on some form that anabolics WILL supress your HTPA and you will never get it back to how it was even with PCT,sounds like BS to me,maybe if you do some crazy stacks or i dont know,went doc and my natural T is around 700-720.
Is this truth that it will supress my natuyral T forever and i wont be able to get it back the way it was 100% after ANAVAR?[/quote]
you need a PCT after any steroid cycle, period. people that claim otherwise are ignoring the obvious science that points out that suppression occurs with pretty much everything, and pretty fast, as well.
a good PCT will increase your likelihood of your HPTA recovering, but it does not guarantee it. some guys recover just fine, and some guys never recover.