Do i need any PCT if my natural test production shuts down ? is there any estrogen related side effects ?
studies and web sites say anavar does not convert into estrogen , will my body start producing estrogen after i stop anavar ? can i take some anti estrogen like clomid , can i take LIV 52 after anavar cycle for liver safety?
if my natural testosterone production happens to come down , will any test boosters like tribulus be a good choice to boost the natural test levels ?
thank you for replies in advance , help would be very much appreciated
i have tried natural cutting twice but i loose little but muscle mass if i cut down naturally
winstrol is inexpensive compared to anavar , which makes anavar high quality IMO
it is not possible to make strength gains from winstrol - winstrol is purely a cutting drug
Your reasoning is flawed. The cost differences between the two doesn’t necessarily reflect on the ‘quality’ of their effects. Many factors affect the cost of any given good (e.g. relative scarcity, production costs, etc.) The quality will depend, ultimately, on the product you hold in your hand, not the price. Shitty anavar will still cost more than awesome winstrol.
If you think that “it is not possible to make strength gains from winstrol,” then that goes to show that you haven’t done nearly enough research. I would suggest that you spend a great deal more time reading. Typing “steroid profiles” into google would be a good place to start.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Guys, I’m surprised no-one has called ‘troll’ yet, because when you weigh this thread up, it has all the hallmarks:
‘Natural builder’ using AAS.
Extreme lack of knowledge - to the point where it’s suspicious.
Pointless dose
"pointedly retarded comments like “will my balls grow back”.
Dude i agree with whats been said here already. At 21, you likely have a lot more room to make some significant gains naturally. The only reason Im posting on this is because i am a big fan of var despite the negative opinions of it. Also, I empathize with where you are as a beginner…
You likely was turned on to a video or some info that told you that steroids “arent bad” and “people dont die from using them” etc. and decided to do a little research and found that anavar was the “safest steroid” and made up in your mind to try a low dose.
Fair enough…but let me tell you my perpesctive, since you will likely go out and run a cycle inspite of what others are saying here…
20mg of Avavar will help you hold on to a bit of muscle while cutting, if you run it 6 weeks or more. (which you may be asking for trouble if you run it longer than 6 weeks). And you better make sure your diet is perfect. Either way, dont expect any sort of miracle from this! At best, you may have some decent pumps in the gym & you may be slightly harder during the cycle.
In the times i have done Anvar, ive found no need for PCT. But, this is just my experience. Always be prepared to run PCT after a cycle!!!
Best advice…be patient and wait a while before running a cycle. I know you are probably anxious about this, but everyone here can tell you, steroids are not miracle drugs! You still have to train very hard and eat right!!! Since you have to this anyway, save your money and spend it on some good food & a few suppliments and in 8 weeks or more you can have the same results as you would with running 20mg of Anavar.
hi im on a var only cycle at 50 ED. just want to ask, i have a fever right now (not cause of var) ad im taking paracetamol, should i lower my dosage to 20mg first while im sick or should i stop it first while i have a fever?
[quote]mapjose wrote:
hi im on a var only cycle at 50 ED. just want to ask, i have a fever right now (not cause of var) ad im taking paracetamol, should i lower my dosage to 20mg first while im sick or should i stop it first while i have a fever?[/quote]
You should suck start a shotgun… probably the best thing possible at this point.
[quote]mapjose wrote:
hi im on a var only cycle at 50 ED. just want to ask, i have a fever right now (not cause of var) ad im taking paracetamol, should i lower my dosage to 20mg first while im sick or should i stop it first while i have a fever?[/quote]
You should suck start a shotgun… probably the best thing possible at this point.[/quote]