About 10 years ago I went to Mexico and got a bottle of what I thought was generic Anavar. They were small yellowish tablets. I took 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening for 3 days. On the 3rd day I got horribly sick. I threw up alot and could not keep anything down for a couple of days. I briefly had tea colored urine and I thought I looked a bit yellow. Now I know this may have been jaundice. I havent tried any anabolics since. My questions are has anyone had a similar experience with this or any other anabolic? Also do you think that what I took was real Oxandrolone or a fake of some kind? Lastly, what do you think my chances are of this happening again if I took small amounts of Dbol in the morning only? Because I want some assistance without inhibiting my natural Test. Thanks in advance your responses are appreciated.
Anyone have a comment? Brock? Bill?
This is a difficult question, considering that often times people traveling to Mexico or other 3rd world countries experiance “Montazuma’s Revenge” or traveler’s diahrea. It would be helpful knowing if you also had any fever associated with this episode, and how long it and the color change of your urine were in durration.
So on one hand it could have been an infection. Another posibility is that you had an adverse reaction to a “clean” or “good” drug (possibly your liver doesn’t tolerate the load you placed on it with the AAS). Yet another is that you got some seriously voodoo-ed, messed up shit. I’m talking poison, dude.
Regardless of what happened, you should just go to your doctor for a check up and mention to him the short of what happend, and tell him you've been worried about your liver function ever since. He'll run a blood test on you, and if everything is OK, I would think you'd be OK in taking something FROM THIS COUNTRY again. BTW--orals are notedly harsher on the liver than other AAS. You might want to think about various injectables.
Go to the docter and get tested for all liver issues, make sure you don’t have Hep C or something. Then get juice from reliable sources only.
Thanks guys for your responses. It was ten years ago when this happened. I recently did get a complete blood test which included all liver values and everything came back normal. Thinking back to the incident it may have been montezuma but it did not show up until 3 days after I left Mexico. The place I got the stuff was at a pretty nice pharmacy there for TJ standards. I dont think it was poison because my friend finished the bottle and got decent strength gains while using it and at the same time did not gain much weight leading me to believe it was legit Oxandrolone. Now are there certain food poisonings that can cause tea colored urine? I did have canned clams the night before I got sick. I hope so because I would really like to try dbol. If it was just the way my liver reacts to 17 alkylated tabs I will just have to look for some T proprionate and primo for a 2on/4off, but I really wanted to do dbols so I could just do a morning only dose and dodge any possible natural T suppression. Comments anyone?
No androgen will give you jaundice in a matter of days.