Anastrozole Over-Responder, Exemestane Under-Responder?

I’m 42, cruising/TRT @ 175mg T-prop/week, with one 8-week, 550mg T-prop/wk blast under my belt.

Originally when starting the TRT, I used liquid anastrozole at .25mg EOD. Bloodwork after 3 weeks of this showed crashed E2, <5.1 pg/mL (labcorp).

Since the liquid anastrozole was difficult to dose @ less than .25mg, and because I had some exemestane and wanted to see how it worked/affected me differently, I switched to it- 12.5mg EOD, then 12.5mg ED after starting to feel the tell tale high-E signs. After 3 weeks of 175mg/wk T-prop (@ 25mg ED) and 12.5mg exemestane ED, bloodwork showed E2 @ 31 pg/mL (labcorp).

During the 550mg/wk T blast, I used 25mg exemestane ED. 4 weeks into this, bloodwork showed E2 @ 51 pg/mL!

Soo… here’s my question. I’m thinking to do 700mg/wk T prop for my next blast, but it sure seems that even 25mg ED exemestane won’t keep my E2 under control … and a JCEM study shows that 50mg ED doesn’t lower E2 any more than 25mg ED in young males. However I’d rather use it than anastrozole for various reasons. Has anyone ever heard of this under/over responder equation with these two AI’s? Should I consider supplementing the exemestane with a small amt. of anastrozole during the blast? Havenâ??t found any threads about this concept. All thoughts welcome, thanks.

What are your reasons for not wanting to use Anastrozole?