Well i am back. Couldn’t stay away for long. Going to start off this log by saying that this sight has been pretty good to me and in return iv’e been pretty shitty to it. I will be making an effort to make amends and hopefully become a respect member of these forums.
Actually have made quite a bit of progress lately leaning down to 168 with abs pretty visible when flexed. Bench has moved up to an all time PR of 170 but recently has been a train wreck. Squat is hovering around 275 give or take depending on a couple factors.
One problem I have run into is a serious case of anterior pelvic tilt. Not really sure how to fix this but it is a bitch. Going to start deadlifting again but really going to ease into it. I have been slacking on mobility lately and will need to go back to agile 8 2x a day.
weight- 168
waist- 32 in
Bench- 165
squat- 265
Deadlift- no idea
chin ups- bw x 4 lol
Goals by febuary 2014
Bench- 200 x 1
Squat- 300 x 1
Deadlift- 315 x 1 no pain
chins - bw x 12
Lets fucking do it!