I read the 300+ pages of the AD thread a while back and started the AD. I started at the recommended 18 x bw for the induction phase calories and made it the two weeks and into my first carb load and everything went to hell after that.
I went back to normal eating habits for about a week and a half, basically a 40%carbs/30% pro/30%fat breakdown. It appeared that the re-introduction of carbs into the diet didn’t go so well. I bloated and felt like crap and packed on water and BF rather quickly.
I am already under 10% bf so the small changes were noticeable. I was planing on starting the Ad again and stumbled across Berardi’s get Shredded diet. I did some searching and re read through the AD thread to find some pros and cons of each.
I’m already pretty lean but would like to drop a few more % of BF before I begin to add size and was wondering if the GS would be a better starting point and I could just transition into a higher calorie AD type protocol later on.
I guess my main question is: will the lower calorie approach 10 x BW of the GS still produce the fat adaptation effect of the AD if the fat is kept at 60% of the calories, or is the 18 x BW needed from the start to cause the adaptation effects?
In the AD thread I noticed some were starting at 15 x bw and 12 x bw and basically starting with a cut instead of a maintenance caloric level. Any thought from those with experience with either or both of these nutritional approaches?
from what i’ve read science and otherwise it doesn’t seem like total calories have anything to do with fat adaptation. rather, it seems like consuming less than 50g carbs+at least 1g/lb bw in protein+the rest of the calories from fat.
i think the gs diet has less than 1g/lb because of the high % fat calories. but as long as the carbs are under 50g and and you aren’t consuming so many calories from protein that you can’t get any fats in, then the number of total calories doesn’t really matter. just what i’ve gathered so far.
Thanks , thats what I figured as well. I am keeping my cals between 1700-2000 and getting 60% fat 35%pro and 5% carbs.I’m pretty much doing the AD i Guess , just starting from a lower calorie (GS) standpoint.
Im in the same boat…Ive been on the AD 3 years and now its just how i like to eat. And now Im doing GSD so basically i took the AD style of eating and lowered my calories appropriatley. Been almost 3 weeks and Im down 20lbs and noticeably more cut. BTW Im also following Meltdown Training which can be found doing a search here
[quote]inkcreep wrote:
Thanks , thats what I figured as well. I am keeping my cals between 1700-2000 and getting 60% fat 35%pro and 5% carbs.I’m pretty much doing the AD i Guess , just starting from a lower calorie (GS) standpoint.[/quote]
Lyle is considered to be one of the very best nutrionists nowadays
this is his opinion on how to correctly perform the carb up on a cyclical keto diet.
I’m doing the AD myself, and using Lyle’s carb up recommendations for 2 weeks with a couple pounds of fat down already.
Friday 500+g carbs 80g fat 170pro, sat 350g 35g 195g, weekly 1-1.5g pro/lb, 120-140g fat, <30g CHO
I also haven’t experienced the “gain weight and lose it through the week”, so far I’ve dropped weight following the carb-up, which is pretty insane. I think it’s because of keeping fat intake low.
I’m going to get shredded in the near future and then will have to decide which approach is best to finish making all the BF go away!
I’m about done with my low carb trial. I started with the AD and only did 1 day carb loads instead of the longer loads. I didn’t have a ton of fat to lose , I was already at about 8% bf, but even on lower calories I have definitely gotten softer and added some BF. I was the leanest and the strongest when I was following a higher carb (40/30/30) protocol. I plan on adding carbs back in , but slowly so I don’t have that rebound effect that I had last time. Mainly just some fruit and more vegetables.
I guess I am one of those rare people that get leaner with carbs.I’ve experimented with nutritions a lot and actually found that I had the best fat loss, muscle gain, and performance enhancement while following a 40% carb/ 30% pro/30% fat breakdown while using Intermittent Fasting. I know it sounds crazy but BUt I got lean as hell and hard as a rock eating that way. The AD has definitely not worked out for me the way it has for most.
[quote]inkcreep wrote:
The AD has definitely not worked out for me the way it has for most.[/quote]
So why not do the GS diet?
I personally remember only one person (other than JB) who did the GS diet that provided pictures and such. That, and he was featured in the article, I think.
Give it a shot. I’d be interested in how lean it can get someone (who’s already very lean.)
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
inkcreep wrote:
The AD has definitely not worked out for me the way it has for most.
So why not do the GS diet?
I personally remember only one person (other than JB) who did the GS diet that provided pictures and such. That, and he was featured in the article, I think.
Give it a shot. I’d be interested in how lean it can get someone (who’s already very lean.)[/quote]
Low carbs just never really worked out for me. I tried Body Opus back in the 90’s and a couple of CK diets in the past and I never really saw the results that others were getting. Once I added a more balanced macro ratio and a higher intensity style of training is when I finally got down to sub 10%. I think with me , when I go low carb I just lack the energy to train as hard as I need to, so when I add the carbs back in I have the energy needed to support my training. I guess just eating healthy and training my ass off is the only thing that works well for me. PLus I just feel so much better when I include a lot of fruits and vegetables in my diet. I’m not a big grain eater (breads, pastas, rice) maybe some oatmeal every now and then. When your getting most of your carbs from fruits and vegetables , getting lean isn’t that tough. I think it’s the grains and starches that give most people the problems.
I completley agree with you. I dont think the AD is meant for everyone. Last year i was following the basic out line of the zone 30P/40C/30F i was able to drop to singe digit 8~9% bf. But since trying the AD i have signifigantly gained fat. I tried cuttin out all dairy and lowering total cal from 3000 to 2300~2600, but was still seeing the fat coming up.
How would one ease off this diet? and into a higher carb based one. I have my carb up this saturday, should i just skip that and just increase daily carb limit by like 10~20g a week? I do not want to experience anymore fat gains.
There is an article on here somewhere ( you can find it under Dr. Berardi’s articles in the “authors” sections) , it’s called “Getting unshreaded” it maps out the transition back into a higher carb diet. I just basically started this week by introducing fruit back into my diet. I try to stay heavy on fruit and vegetables for my carbs anyway, with oatmeal for breakfast some days. I am pretty much following the Zone as well, and even back onto my regular diet , my carbs are still under 200g a day, so it’s still not that high. I already feel a good bit better just by having the fruit back in my diet for the past few days. I have also stepped up my training a little to account for the added carbs and help the transition a bit. Don’t know if it is really doing anything , but I feel better.
[quote]inkcreep wrote:
There is an article on here somewhere ( you can find it under Dr. Berardi’s articles in the “authors” sections) , it’s called “Getting unshreaded” it maps out the transition back into a higher carb diet.
I just basically started this week by introducing fruit back into my diet. I try to stay heavy on fruit and vegetables for my carbs anyway, with oatmeal for breakfast some days.
I am pretty much following the Zone as well, and even back onto my regular diet , my carbs are still under 200g a day, so it’s still not that high. I already feel a good bit better just by having the fruit back in my diet for the past few days.
I have also stepped up my training a little to account for the added carbs and help the transition a bit. Don’t know if it is really doing anything , but I feel better.[/quote]
hey thanks, this will be useful for me in the next few months.