Hey amirand09 here is the link to the thread if you want to check out the whole thing, but I have included the meat of the thread below. The poster was CoolColJ so if you have questions he might be able to help or CT of course. Hope it helps and don’t be afraid to experiment on yer own.
Although this targeted more at athletes rather than pure weightlifters. And CT may do it different now, since it was posted a while back
Christian Thibaudeau (2003-01-26 10:00:45 1986)
the training split is morphed into the following:
Day 1: Maximum effort squat/deadlift day
Day 2: OFF
Day 3: Maximum effort bench press day
Day 4: OFF
Day 5: Dynamic effort squat/deadlift day + power snatch and power clean variations
Day 6: OFF
Day 7: Dynamic effort bench press day + jerk variations
So the maximum effort days are unchanged compared to the original Westside system. Only the dynamic effort days are modified.
Modifications to do in the dynamic days
The following modifications must be made for the hybrid to work:
The addition of the Olympic lifts to their respective training day (power snatch from blocks and power clean from blocks on day 5, push jerk on day 7).
The reduction of the regular speed work. With the addition of two high acceleration exercises on the dynamic squat day it is necessary to reduce the volume of dynamic squat work to avoid overloading the nervous system. So instead of performing 10-12 sets of 2 reps, you will limit yourself to 5-6 sets of 2. The same thing is to be done for the dynamic bench press.
Reordering of the workout. During the dynamic days, the Olympic lifts are performed first.
Volume and intensity selection for the Olympic lifts
The volume for the Olympic lifts should be kept relatively low as these exercises are already very demanding on the CNS.
For the power snatch and power clean 3-4 sets of 2-3 reps should be performed. When combined with the dynamic squat this will give you between 11-14 sets of speed work.
On the push jerk (or power jerk) you can do a bit more sets because you only use one Olympic lift on the dynamic bench day. 5-7 sets of 2-3 reps is adequate and will give you 10-13 speed sets on that day.
The general Westside rule is to keep the intensity (load on the bar) between 50-60% for the dynamic work. For the Olympic lifts that percentage is increased a bit because even at a relatively high percentage they remain an explosive exercise. An intensity of 70-80% is best on the Olympic lifts, with an occasional set at 85-90%.
So what does it look like?
To the exception of the additional Olympic lifts and the slight modifications to the dynamic days, the routine stays exactly the same as a regular Westside program (that?s why it might be important for you to read a lot on the Westside system before designing your own hybrid). The only thing that might change is the inclusion of snatch grip deadlifts from various heights (from floor, from blocks, standing on a block) as a maximum effort exercise for the squat/deadlift. But just to be clear, here?s what the dynamic effort days could look like:
Dynamic effort squat/deadlift + power clean and power snatch
A. Power snatch from blocks
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 2-3
Intensity: 70-80%
Tempo: explosive
Rest between sets: 45 seconds
B. Power clean from blocks
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 2-3
Intensity: 70-80%
Tempo: explosive
Rest between sets: 45 seconds
C. Dynamic box squat (with bands or chains if possible)
Sets: 5-6
Reps: 2
Intensity: 50-60%
Tempo: 21X (controlled down, very short pause on the box, explosive up)
Rest between sets: 45 seconds
D. Reverse hyper/glute ham raise/natural glute ham raise
- These are in order of effectiveness, select the one available to you
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-10
Intensity: 70-75%
Tempo: 20X
Rest between sets: 60-90 seconds
Dynamic effort bench press + jerk
A. Push jerk
Sets: 5-7
Reps: 2-3
Intensity: 70-80%
Tempo: explosive
Rest between sets: 45 seconds
B. Dynamic bench press (with bands or chains if possible)
Sets: 5-6
Reps: 3
Intensity: 50-60%
Tempo: 20X (controlled down, explosive up)
Rest between sets: 45 seconds
C. Lying barbell triceps extension
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-10
Intensity: 70-75%
Tempo: 201
Rest between sets: 60 seconds
D. Dumbbell lateral raises
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-10
Intensity: 70-75%
Tempo: 201
Rest between sets: 60 seconds
E. Rear delt raises
Sets: 3-4
Reps: 8-10
Intensity: 70-75%
Tempo: 201
Rest between sets: 60 seconds
Of course this is only an example. The strongest facet of the Westside system is its versatility: you can adjust and tweak it to better fit your needs and capacities as long as you stay within the basic principles of the system.
This hybrid is a very powerful training approach for athletes interested in improving their physical qualities as much as possible. To the hybrid you can add other elements such as general physical preparation work as well as speed and agility drills. Hopefully this article will have sparked some ideas in you. The premise of this system is to think for yourself, work hard and reap the rewards!
Christian Thibaudeau (2003-01-26 13:28:29 1994)
The rest of the program stays exactly as a regular westside plan. Only the dynamic days are changed.
01:10 PM
and another more pure oly orientated
Christian Thibaudeau (2003-01-08 10:12:05 603)
Carl, your program is very similar to the one recommended by Louie Simmons in one of his old article “What if I trained olympic lifters” which was published a while ago in “Milo”
All olympic lifting purists will tell you that it is not a good program. They will find some reasons to tell you that it’s not good but when it all boils down to it, olympic lifter are elitists (that’s one of the reason why I separated myself from the milieu). If it doesn’t come from them, then it’s not good.
I’ll say that Louie’s approach to the olympic lifts is not perfect. Their might not be enough emphasis on technique, and as Soviet lifting coaches have said “lifting explosively and being strong are two different things”.
But you know what? I like what you’re doing, I had a trainee on a similar program (former powerlifter) and he did go up to a 120kg power snatch and a 160kg power clean very fast. His technical mastery was not perfect, but he was strong and explosive.
But as a beginner, understand that you are going to need more technique work. You might the strongest man in the world, but if your technique sucks, you won’t be able to effectively use your strength.
Here’s what I would do:
A. Max effort squat (rotate between close stance full back squat and front squat)
B. Snatch pull 3 x 5 @ 90% of your max snatch (concentrate on pulling high)
C. Clean pull 3 x 5 @ 100% of your max clean (focus on contracting the traps and calves at the same time)
D. Glute-ham raises 3 x 6-8 reps
E. Back hyper 3 x 20 reps
A. Max effort overhead movement (start with military press for 2 weeks, push press for two weeks, push jerk for 2 weeks, split jerk for 2 weeks)
B. Incline bench press 3 x 5
C. Triceps work 3 x 5
D. Abs work
A. Snatch technique work (8 x 2, week 1: 55%, week 2: 60%, week 3: 65%, week 4: 70%, week 5: 60%, week 6: 65%, week 7: 70%, week 8: 75%) — the focus should be on speed, perfect technique and full body extension in the pull.
B. Clean and jerk technique work (8 x 2week 1: 55%, week 2: 60%, week 3: 65%, week 4: 70%, week 5: 60%, week 6: 65%, week 7: 70%, week 8: 75%) — the focus should be on speed, perfect technique and full body extension in the pull.
C. Speed squat 5 x 3 @ 50-65%
D. Back hyper 3 x 20
A. Power clean from hang 4 x 3 (60-70% of max clean … think crisp and fast)
B. Power snatch from hang 4 x 3 (60-70% of max snatch … think crisp and fast)
C. Speed bench press 5 x 3 (50-60%)
D. Abs work
01:24 PM
BTW CT was replying to this post in the one above, just to put things in context
Carl Jewers (2003-01-07 15:36:54 565)
I’m new to the o’lifting (6 weeks)and was researching some information on the internet for programs. I have found that there is a lot of programs on the net, but nothing (that I have found) that talks about %'s of weight with sets and reps.
I ended up reading quit a bit about the westside methodology and trying to use it for olympic lifting (I think that westside came from Russian olympic lifters??).
So below is the program that I’m thinking about starting, please let me know what you think about the program and about o’lifting with westside’s theories.
Squat max (changing to dif. styles every 3 weeks)
Ham/glute (this is a weak area, 4-6 sets with 6-8 reps)
hyperext (4-6 sets with 6-8reps)
“Pulling” max (hang snatch, hang clean, high pulls, etc…)
Overhead press (rotate every 3 weeks with push press, jerks from blocks etc…, 4-6 sets with 6-8reps)
Triceps rotating different exercises (4-6 sets with 6-8 reps)
Ab work (4-6 sets with 6-8 reps)
Snatch (65% 8 sets with 3 reps)
Maybe 1-2 sets of singles (if I’m up for it)
ham/ glute
Clean and Jerk (65% 8 sets with 3 reps)
Maybe 1-2 set of singles
My theory is that if I can make a certian weight with the partial lifts (pulling and squat). I will have the confidence to make the complete lift.
I can see some problems but I don’t know whether I’m overthinking (maybe underthinking?) the program, nor do I know what to do to solve the problems.
08:12 AM
If anyone is interested, heres a routine that I started yesterday that combines o-lifts and westside. I tried the original CT reccomendation (keep ME days teh same and do o-lifts on DE days) but I didnt like it too much.
This routine is more specific to my weaknesses so it shouldnt be the be all end all of routines. It should be noted that Im not doing power versions, im doing the full squat versions of the o-lifts for now.
Mon-max effort lowerbody day
1A) Heavy High pulls (clean or snatch grips) work up to a max
1B). rotate one of the following for 2-3 weeks each then change , work up to a 1-3 rep max, then do a “down” set of 5: “pulling” goodmornings, high bar narrow stance LOW box squat(at least 2 inches below parllel), conventional deadlift in the rack, with plates suspended 2-4-6 inches off floor(one week at each hieght)
posterior chain work 3-5 sets 5-7 reps with one of the following:
ham-calf glute raise, romanian deadlifts, or pullthroughs -
lowback and abds you decide, do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each.
wed-max upperbody day
1.rotate one of the following as above: push press, STEEP incline barbell press, seated overhead pin presses( set pins in the rack so the bar starts at about 1-2 inches above head)
2.overhead tricept presses(dumbell or barbell)3-5 sets 5-7 reps
3.Row (and many variations) 2-3 sets 6-8
4.Chin work about 3 sets
friday-speed lowbody day
- snatches 3-5 sets 1 rep, 60-70%
2.cleans 3-5 sets 1 rep, 60-70%
3.box squat at parallell 3-5 sets at 50-60%
4.hamstrings as on monday
5.abds and low back as on monday
sunday-speed upperbody day
1.jerks 10x2x60-70%
2.tricepts as on wed, but less intense 2-3 sets 8-12 reps
3.rows as on wed
4.chin or grip work
Ill be using the beginners Westside template to determine the adjustment in volume, exercises, etc.
Im going for general increase in all of my lifts and improve my conditioning. I might do some strongman stuff (i.e. farmer’s walk, zercher’s, etc.) once in a while cuz it looks fun and I wouldnt mind being conditioned like that
Goals are as follows:
Clean: 225 (its 205 now)
Snatch: 195 (155)
Jerk: 225 (205)
Deadlift: 405 (325)
Squat: 375 (315)