[quote]AssOnGrass wrote:
Mufasa wrote:
I just pulled out my check stub, just for shits-and-giggles…
As you would expect, the largest “chunk” taken out is for Federal Income Tax and Social Security Tax.
SS is a separate “gorilla in the room”, that is a thread by itself. And since it is dealt with a little differently when considering the Federal Budget, expenditures, etc. I’ll set than one aside.
Of the Federal Income Tax, the VAST majority of those funds go to military spending AND PAYING THE INTEREST ON THE HOLDERS OF OUR NATIONAL DEBT. (Mostly incurred by military spending).
That interest alone is approaching 600 Billion Dollars and rising.
With the exceptions of wanting to pay our Military Personnel MUCH more than we do; and eliminating AWFUL waste, (which could be used to pay them more); I have no problem with military spending.
The reality is, you are not spending much as it is on your " Deadbeat Neighbor/Welfare Mom/Baby Daddy", folks.
Yet “welfare mothers” and “Baby Daddy” spending is often used to indicate waste of your Dollars.
By the way, I think lastest estimates have China and Saudi Arabia holding most of our debt.
THAT should scare you and anger you more than the fraction of a cent your Federal Income Tax goes to some single mom receiving aide.
But what are we spending on that put us in debt in the first case?
What spending do we cut to pay off our debt? Or do we raise taxes?
I’d say, bring the troops home from around the world and scale our military back to where it can defend us and our borders. No, not Europe, Kuwait, Darfur, etc. Oh, and no foreign aid.
Set a date for dumping every entitlement program the US government currently runs. Let people know the gravy train is running out of rail, and it’s time to make plans for their own departure.
Cutting business taxes to point where the only concern about outsourcing, is that so many people, multitudes even, are scrambling to create businesses and jobs in this country. We should be the King of Inscourcing!
Pay down what we owe.
Return the money to the people.