why doesn’t any one piss and moan about %50 of America’s tax dollars going to the military or retired military , and that does not include 10 billion a month because of Iraq ? correct me if I am wrong .
First off fuck you.secondly why shouldnt 50% of our money go to the military, after all they keep us free.
Why doesnt anyone start shooting stock market exec’s, or washington fatcats.WHy dont more people bitch and complain about welfare and the poeple who collect.I think if your gonna collect welfare and make no effort to find a job the government should be able to make you sterile so you cant bring another burden into this country.
You’re wrong. 18.7% of the budget for 2010 goes toward the military, and less than 3% goes to veterans affairs
Also, unless it is I who is wrong, at the peak expenditure during the war in Iraq, we spent 12 billion a month. A total of 704 billion has been spent, which equals roughly 2 billion per week on average.
You stand corrected. However, 2 billion a week is roughly 2 billion a week too much.
Shouldn’t there be a requirement for someone to have at least a piss drop’s worth of knowledge of what he is talking about before starting a thread?
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Shouldn’t there be a requirement for someone to have at least a piss drop’s worth of knowledge of what he is talking about before starting a thread?[/quote]
yes, but that’s what we’re here for Bill.
1st off, where did you get that 50% figure?
2nd, and more importantly, one of the only legitimate functions of government in many’s opinion is maintaining defense/security forces. We would be doing a very good job actually if 50% of our budget was going to a military and the rest was being used for infrastructure, a few other limited functions like courts and emergency response.
Private industry and a free market should be handling the rest.
We need a big military. Soon we will have an economic collapse. We’ll have to repudiate our foreign debts, which won’t make foreign peeps happy. Then we’ll need them here at home to maintain order – all the welfare sucks, corporate leeches, and old people who tried to make serfs out of you young folks so they could have those power chairs and free dentures aren’t going to be very happy.
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Shouldn’t there be a requirement for someone to have at least a piss drop’s worth of knowledge of what he is talking about before starting a thread?[/quote]
[quote]pushharder wrote:
[quote]Bill Roberts wrote:
Shouldn’t there be a requirement for someone to have at least a piss drop’s worth of knowledge of what he is talking about before starting a thread?[/quote]
I told you once before that pinatas are fun to whack.[/quote]
You misspelled penises
[quote]horsepuss wrote:
First off fuck you.secondly why shouldnt 50% of our money go to the military, after all they keep us free.
Why doesnt anyone start shooting stock market exec’s, or washington fatcats.WHy dont more people bitch and complain about welfare and the poeple who collect.I think if your gonna collect welfare and make no effort to find a job the government should be able to make you sterile so you cant bring another burden into this country.[/quote]
Wow , I would look into that anger , and your insight is mind numbing to say the least
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
Okay I don’t normally get involved in the pissing matches in this forum but that pie chart must have been done by an overly ambitious Downs kid.
There are plenty of resources regarding the US budget on the web that are done by people who can, add, figure percentages, and understand general definitions.
Not to mention people who don’t have a partciular ideological ax to grind.
Thx for the free college, rent and books, America.
I guess rather than getting into a pissing match over percentages, I will rephrase my question, why does it not bother this forum that we spend so much on the military, our social programs are a drop in the bucket. Do we have to be have to spend 8 dollars to 1 dollar in China to be superior, could we not cut it down to 4 dollars to every dollar china spends
[quote]JoeGood wrote:
RIF ? Googled it , Google did not understand it either
I am aware of accounting procedures, and I know if we accounted for our money the way the Gov can account for our tax dollars we would be in jail. One practice they do is to just leave certain things out of the budget that was a GWB tactic. I am sure Obama is just as culpable
[quote]spyoptic wrote:
Thx for the free college, rent and books, America.[/quote]
I think college should be free period, if you have the aptitude. I know more social programs .
[quote]pittbulll wrote:
I guess rather than getting into a pissing match over percentages, I will rephrase my question, why does it not bother this forum that we spend so much on the military, our social programs are a drop in the bucket. Do we have to be have to spend 8 dollars to 1 dollar in China to be superior, could we not cut it down to 4 dollars to every dollar china spends [/quote]
According to the OMB combined Social Security and Medicare expenditures were 39% of the budget compared to 23% for Military expenditures for the year 2009. So not only are social programs NOT a drop in the bucket but are much larger recipients of Federal dollars than the military.
Now if you want to question waste in the military thats another thing but your basic premise, that we spend far more on the military than social programs, is flat out incorrect, and by a large margin too.