When I watch it again I’m seeing a little bit of forward movement on the bar path. How can I eliminate that?
You could probably try and keep your shoulders over tthe bar a little longer.
[quote]amayakyrol wrote:
When I watch it again I’m seeing a little bit of forward movement on the bar path. How can I eliminate that?[/quote]
You need to bend your arms slightly earlier. If you keep your arms straight the bar will swing away from you. If you bend at the correct time the bar stays close to you.
Bend the arms and pull under it. You get plenty of height on the bar but your speed under isn’t bad but it could be better. This just means you can Cn more weight
On the hang cleans I noticed I was jumping forward slightly, but the par path and the rest looks decent enough to me.
I worked up to 235x1 from the hang and 250x1 from blocks. I prefer going from blocks. The bar feels really heavy once I try anything over 240 from the hang, but I don’t have those grip problems from the floor or blocks.
I really feel like I’m getting faster under the bar and the entire movement feels much smoother now.