T-dawgs, I feel like I am eating all day long. I am trying to keep it simple, eat big & lift big to get big. I am 6’1", around 215. I am about 7 months post op from ACL full reconstruction. I just finally squatted the other day deep, with no pain, up to about 225x5.
Anyway, my goal is to add size & strength, then worry about ICY hawt abz later down the road. I’m sitting around 13-15% BF right now, I will caliper tonight for exacts.
I am full all day long, and still not sure if I am eating enough.
Sample from yesterday:
Breakfast 7:30AM
two home made “eggs over my hammies” on whole wheat toast.
multi-V, fish oil & sesame oil pills.
Snack: 10:30AM
two cans tuna on real italian rye toast (made with rye flour not the white crap)
fish oil pills & sesame oil pills
Lunch: 10PM
1 cup kashi honey almond cereal, 2 scoops choc whey mixed in water
fish oil pills
snack: 4pm
two cans tuna on rye
1 large apple
fish oil pills
workout 6pm, home by 8pm
dinner: 3 large chicken breasts
1 giant sweet potato
fish oil pills, multi vitamin
Totals are coming out to around (according to fitday).
2800-2900 cals 40-45g fat (all from fish oil & sesame) 260-270g carbs, 330g protein.
My BMR comes out to around 2150 cals/day, 1.5x for moderate activity (i lift 5 days) so around 3300 it says. I work a computer job, so I lowered them a bit to around 3000.
Should I eat more? What else can I “add” in my meals to up the total. I’m trying to keep it clean, maybe a handful of granola here or there?