40+ competitive PL’er here. Been dealing with a nagging shoulder injury for months now. Standard grip pressing is excruciating and I have no strength. Been hammering squats and deads with whatever upper body I can muster. If i do a 3 way strong band stretch throughout my sessions I can usually get through upper body pretty well. BP and overheads are out right now though.
I’ve found I can bench with the Swiss bar ok and will prob start throwing in some chains on a Swiss floor press this week. I’m going to try Swiss bar overheads, neutral grip DB presses and some seated pin presses too. Just seeing what works to get some activation/strength back.
Any other suggestions for overhead stuff I might try? May see an ortho if relief doesn’t come soon although it’s prob a waste of time. Probably arthritis/tendinitis of shoulder or bicep tendon from squatting and mixed grip deads. Need to increase (ok…start) more rehab work at home too.