I was done working out today, but there was a major “sausage party” in the locker room, so I went back out on the floor to let the place clear out.
I’m sure I didn’t invent these, but I havn’t seen anyone ever do these.
Didn’t know what to do so I got on the leg press machine (traditional kind where you lay back and press upward at about a 50 degree angle) by keeping my feet on the ground and my hands on the top edge of the foot platform. With an explosive movement I pushed the sled up to the top and brought it back down. Did several reps and felt great (chest, shoulders, triceps, low back, legs, calves). Remended me of football sled exercises.
The other exercise was a shoulder press on the standing calf machine. Just put my hands on the pads and pushed up, kind of like a close-grip shoulder press, but I kept my elbows pointed forward. That burned.
[quote]PGJ wrote:
I was done working out today, but there was a major “sausage party” in the locker room, so I went back out on the floor to let the place clear out.
I’m sure I didn’t invent these, but I havn’t seen anyone ever do these.
Didn’t know what to do so I got on the leg press machine (traditional kind where you lay back and press upward at about a 50 degree angle) by keeping my feet on the ground and my hands on the top edge of the foot platform. With an explosive movement I pushed the sled up to the top and brought it back down. Did several reps and felt great (chest, shoulders, triceps, low back, legs, calves). Remended me of football sled exercises.
The other exercise was a shoulder press on the standing calf machine. Just put my hands on the pads and pushed up, kind of like a close-grip shoulder press, but I kept my elbows pointed forward. That burned.
Just some ideas if you get bored. [/quote]
Back in high school I did shoulder presses on the standing calf machine, since the weight room didn’t have any free weights. Sometimes I’d hold my arm straight and push the weight up using traps and back. I actually liked it.