I did a velocity-esque diet with fantastic results. I know Chris doesnt like modifications being compared to the real deal, but even going at it 100%, 80% of the time, I saw amazing results and got acclimated to the simplicity to the point where it was hard to come off. I have had a few weeks off but have been eating maintenance, now I want to do the whole she-bang and get those last two abs.
However, I cannot stand the mood swings I get on fat burners containing yohimbine or ephedrine, which seem to be in everything. Every four hours I am a asshole, hate myself and want to die. Ok not totally, but you get it. I have a latent issue with anxiety that is amplified x10.
I was thinking Alpha Male, since the Carbolin 19 is muscle sparing and who can really argue with more test? Ive taken Carbolin 19 before and it was not problematic for me.
Would this be worthwhile for the V-Diet for muscle sparing or am I wasting a supplement that could be better utilized at another time?
probably not as effective as taking it while trying to build muscle…
any reason why you have not thought of HOT-ROX? Fat burner and has Carbolin 19 and well, have not heard of any mood swings on it. You can take Carbolin 19 by itself too if that’s all you want.
[quote]milktruck wrote:
I did a velocity-esque diet with fantastic results. I know Chris doesnt like modifications being compared to the real deal, but even going at it 100%, 80% of the time, I saw amazing results and got acclimated to the simplicity to the point where it was hard to come off. I have had a few weeks off but have been eating maintenance, now I want to do the whole she-bang and get those last two abs.
However, I cannot stand the mood swings I get on fat burners containing yohimbine or ephedrine, which seem to be in everything. Every four hours I am a asshole, hate myself and want to die. Ok not totally, but you get it. I have a latent issue with anxiety that is amplified x10.
I was thinking Alpha Male, since the Carbolin 19 is muscle sparing and who can really argue with more test? Ive taken Carbolin 19 before and it was not problematic for me.
Would this be worthwhile for the V-Diet for muscle sparing or am I wasting a supplement that could be better utilized at another time?
Thanks in advance.[/quote]
I think you are thinking along good lines here. I would drop the fat burners and switch to HOT-ROX Extreme, that alone should help with mood, and then add TRIBEX on top for the testosterone boosting, mood boosting effects.
Sure you might get a better effect as far as muscle gain while “bulking” but in my opinion this would be the perfect time to take it - would help with mood, help maintain muscle mass, help with fat loss, basically would enhance the effects that you are wishing.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
HRX contains yohimbine which he said he can’t stand.[/quote]
Good call.
Maybe try some 5-htp with each dose as some have said that it helps tremendously with any Yohimbine sides, or just drop it for something without it - Original HOT-ROX? I don’t know the best one, but I do know that he says he is using Yohimbine & Ephedrine now anyway, which is a wicked (bad sides) combo for many.