
Prior to the bombings, I watched an Oakland Raiders game. There was a LOT of discussion about Jerry Rice(39 y.o.)and Tim Brown (35y.o.) and the “reason” they were still playing. There is no question that they still have skills AND THE DESIRE. Their knowledge of their position is probably unparalled. And they are both workout MANIACS that keep themselves in shape year round. But the reality is that “time” has slowed them, slowed their reaction times, and dulled (somewhat) those skills. My question is not a “desire” or “motivation” question, but more basic. What has anti-aging research revealed as being some basic PHYSICAL and PHYSIOLOGIC differences between, say, a Jerry Rice and that 18 year old College Receiver?

I MUST take this opportunity to voice my support for the boys from Oakland. The spirit of the mighty Alzado is watching over you boys. Do the crazy sumbitch proud. As for the reason that Tim Brown and Jerry Rice are still playing? Genetics, and EXPERIENCE. The story that comes to mind is the one of the two bulls on top of the hill. The young, fiery bull says to the Old Man, “Dad, whaddya say we run down the hill and fuck one o’ them cows?” The Old Man thinks for a second and says “Son, why don’t we WALK down there and fuck 'em all?” No doubt, both men (Rice and Brown) would have been sidelined years ago if they didn’t possess the necessary genetics for continiued success. But both men have exceptional smarts. They’ve learned everything they could, and continue to do so. That’s why they keep chuggin’ away toward that goal. They’re old, cagey, and still HUNGRY. That’s why they’re still in the game.

This would be a GREAT topic for Charles Staley’s
“Feedback Wanted thread!” Being in the
same age bracket as JERRY, I would LOVE
to see T-MAG cover this issue! How about it
Chris or TC?

Basically over time the cells in the human body lose their capacity to regenerate completely. The cells normally replace themselves very quickly, I forget the exact number but every cell in the human body regerates itself during this short period of time…(something like a couple of months I believe…maybe a bit more maybe less). Over time oxidative damage causes the cells to regerate themselves at less than 100% so the result of this cumulative cellular damage is slowly but surely aging. Of course as an athlete being smart can make up for a lot of this. Look at how great older athletes typically tend to change their games to more of a controlled mental game as they get older. I saw a sign the other day that reminded me of this it said “Too soon vee gedt oldt…ond too ladt…schmardt”