Advice On What Parts Of Body Should I Focus?


I have been back to trainning for some months and I would like to ask you for advice on what parts of my body are more behind and I should focus into.

Thank you

what is your goal?

All of them.



I know all my body needs improvement but Im following a Fullbody routine where I could give more frequency to Back, Legs or Front part of the body

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post your full routine in detail. sets, reps, movements, and on what days.

what exactly, to the gram, did you eat the last 3 days?


two routes you can take.

  1. diet until your love handles are gone. abs are visible in any light without flexing.

  2. train hard and build muscle

If I were you based on your stated goal I would take route 1. You don’t care how strong you are, nobody does. You will be really happy come 4th of July and you take your shirt off at the BBQ to a full set of abs.


Right. What I’m saying is that you are in no position to be concerned about specializing, and have no individual muscle which needs to be ‘brought up’.

If/when you identify a lagging muscle, that is a good time to address it. Right now, all of your muscles are lagging, so address them.


You are at the level where nothing is big and good so there is nothing that needs less work, so prioritization at your level is just as ridiculous as prioritizing lessons for a first grader. Train, eat, get big. We can talk abt this is maybe 3-5 years

The only reason to prioritize would be to keep your training interesting. But know that you need to change the prioritized muscle group periodically to cover all muscle groups.

And I didn’t intend to direct this to Andrew, but to OP.


I’d start with number 1 since it is likely a few months of diet to achieve.

However IRL, I did the building mass first, but then I kinda looked like a fat strong guy for like 5 years. Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.