I have been having trouble deciding which programme to do.
My goals are to increase my overall athleticsm. This is because i feel i have become stronger but a worse athlete since putting on a stone after a bulking stage.In the end i have decided on this.
Three whole body sessions a week changing the rep range each session. I will use 10x3 5x5 and 3 x 10 rep ranges. Also after each session i will do interval training for ten minutes, i will add an extra minute each session and when i can do 15 minutes i will increase the intensity, eg faster pace, streeper incline, grater resistance etc I will alternate between the rowing machine and the treadmill for the interval sessions.
Also on one day i will run to the top of a steep hill near my house, the hill is roughly a mile and a half long and gets stepper as you go up. When i get to the top of the hill i will perform some agility drills then walk down.
The most important thing to achieve is to reduce body fat followed by increase strength and muscle mass levels. I have made two workouts and will alternate between each one. Workout A is Power Clean
Workout B is Power curl
front squat
Military press
Pull up
Basicly do you guys think i am on the right course or not. My stats are Bench 90kg
mil press 60kg
squat 115kg (3 reps )
deadlift 140kg