Advice on Next Cycle

Hey fellas, just members up here at t nation. Been following the steroid forums for a while and have noticed several guys on here are extremely knowledgeable and helpful which is great. I’m looking to start a cycle soon to add lots of size. I’ve done probably 3 responsible cycles in the past and 3 or 4 half assed ones.

The last cycle I did, I did by the book but it was still a lesson learned for me. It was my first experience with tren and I can honestly say I don’t want any part of that stuff ever again. I felt like a god on cycle but the two weeks after were an emotional hell to say the least. I took .75 cc eod with 1.25 cc of test e on Mondays and Thursdays for 6 weeks total, pct with clomid.

I stupidly neglected estro blockers during this cycle and paid dearly with a nasty left nipple lump and horrible attitude. I don’t feel Like the clomid helped much but my advisor swears by it. He said the sides probably weren’t just from the tren but the combination of it and the test since they’re both androgenic.

He recommended for this next cycle to stack equipoise, dbol, and sustanon at 400 mg a week, 30 mg a day, 500 mg a week with 350 iu’s of hcg 2x a week during cycle. How long do you guys recommend I run these levels? Think I should taper off any?

EQ at least 12 weeks and the sust at least one week more than the EQ. Run the dbol weeks 1-4. Run an AI throughtout cycle and having some Nolva on hand for gyno symptoms is a good idea and even letro as a last resort. Hcg can be run 250iu 2-3x a week started in week 3 at the latest and discontinued 4-5 days before pct.

[quote]BUDs wrote:
EQ at least 12 weeks and the sust at least one week more than the EQ. Run the dbol weeks 1-4. Run an AI throughtout cycle and having some Nolva on hand for gyno symptoms is a good idea and even letro as a last resort. Hcg can be run 250iu 2-3x a week started in week 3 at the latest and discontinued 4-5 days before pct.[/quote]

boom! There it is

Run deca instead of EQ

Thanks for the info, definitely taking it down. Ibraga- I loved deca the first time I ran it, gained about 20 lbs in 5 weeks from it alone. However this was one of the half assed cycles I mentioned and I lost damn near all of it and then caught a stomach bug during pct. Anyways I think my body responds well to it, never had issues with the “deca-dick” that I’ve been told to fear. Might substitute that in even though dbol has always been solid for me too. BUDs- I appreciate it man, you think the doses are suitable? Also, does your screen name have anything to do with Basic Underwater Demo/SEAL school??

I think the dosages are good.

Haha no, it’s a nickname that I’ve had since I was a kid. All the other ways to spell it were taken.

Will do, thanks again.

Lol thought I was talking to a SEAL candidate. The California part really made me think! I just got home from my shot at the teams. 19 months of only push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, running, and swimming every day and 3 weeks into training they tell me I’m going home because they don’t like an arthroscopic knee surgery I had. Lesson learned.

Naw haha, but I do have a buddy who is a seal though