hi there
Im looking at going on my 3rd cycle in a few weeks time. So i am doing some research and getting some ideas on the cycle. My last cycle was Deca, Test E, Sustanon, Dbol… Due to poor PCT and recovery I lost all of my gains. Im hoping with the new cycle and a better PCT that I retain most of my gains. I also like the fact that EQ increases appetite allot. I do eat allot normally.
Potential Cycle (8 weeks)
I plan on doing 2 x 8 week cycles as opposed to 1 x 12/16 week cycle. There will be an off period in between the cycles equivalent to the length (8 weeks off).
Equipoise @ 400MG Per week
Test E or Test C @ 750MG Per week
Primobolan Depot @ 300MG per week (nice to enhance the cycle)
Dbol @ 30mg daily for 2 weeks OR 20mg daily for 3 weeks (some might say to do it throughout but i think with the other components of this cycle, i wouldnt want to over stress my system).
Potential PCT
HCG throughout cycle and 3 weeks after last shot @ 500mg E3D …would like some advice here?
Nolvadex (60mg on day 1, then 40mg for 10 days, then 20mg for 5 days, 10mgs for 5 days)
Clomid (300mgs on day 1, then 50mg for 10 days, then 20mg for 5 days, 10mg for 5 days)
HGH throughout cycle and throughout PCT at 4ius EOD
anyway thats what i have so far. Any constructive advice would be appreciated.
My stats:
Training naturally for 15 years
Height 1.75m, Current Weight 85kg
2 previous cycles (Dbol, Test E, Winny, Clen and similar PCT to above - kept 5kg of my gains…was up to 90kg) & (Deca, Dbol, Test E, Sustanon, with only HCG 3 week blitz and Clomid therapy…lost most of the gains with this one, including gains from previous cycle)…I hope to get my gains back and retain them.
thanks guys!