[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
SS is back in force
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
The koala one is killing me.
You guys are fucking hilarious…some of those memes had me pissing my pants.
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
She’s a nice girl, but I’m not big on someone cheating. And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
I think it’s fucking hilarious when I hear guys saying shit like that! “I won’t date her cuz she was dating a black guy” LMAO
So you’re either racist or insecure about coming behind someone who is (in your mind) bigger than you.
Newsflash: Even if she’s dated only white guys, she’s had a bigger dick than yours! LOL
One must always assume (and be completely OK with that fact) that you are not the biggest, nor the best. Who cares? You are the one banging her right now! That’s not to say you shouldn’t put in any effort, but don’t fucking fool yourself. Anyone that worries about that needs to have their head examined. Is it WITHIN your locus of control? No? Then who gives a flying fuck?
Imagine if a woman decided not to date you because your last girlfriend had a D cup and she was just a C. I mean, I’ve dated women from barely a mosquito bite to bras that would more accurately be described as over the shoulder boulder holders. I had great sex with them and every one in between.
Odds are, she’s had dicks bigger and dicks smaller. So what? Sex is a theater of the MIND. If you can turn her on and get her MIND and her EMOTIONS going, the rest of it literally doesn’t matter.
Or maybe I’m reading too much into this and you’re just a racist piece of shit who doesn’t realize it’s 2014, not 1964…
I can understand not generally being ATTRACTED to people of other races, but to judge someone ELSE for dating another race? Not cool, bro. Not cool at all.
I’m not racist, I’ve just had a bad experience with a similar situation before.
Fuck if you’re gonna rag on me like that then I’m gonna fucking bang her.
Seriously though I appreciate the opinion.
[quote]Dr. Pangloss wrote:
The koala one is killing me.[/quote]
I love the koala one too
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
I’m not racist, I’ve just had a bad experience with a similar situation before.
Do tell, this should be fun…lol.
[quote]atypical1 wrote:
Do tell, this should be fun…lol.
Yeah…lay it on us Romeo…
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
[quote]Phoenix44e wrote:
She’s a nice girl, but I’m not big on someone cheating. And she’s dating a black guy…so that’s really a no go for me[/quote]
I think it’s fucking hilarious when I hear guys saying shit like that! “I won’t date her cuz she was dating a black guy” LMAO
So you’re either racist or insecure about coming behind someone who is (in your mind) bigger than you.
Newsflash: Even if she’s dated only white guys, she’s had a bigger dick than yours! LOL
One must always assume (and be completely OK with that fact) that you are not the biggest, nor the best. Who cares? You are the one banging her right now! That’s not to say you shouldn’t put in any effort, but don’t fucking fool yourself. Anyone that worries about that needs to have their head examined. Is it WITHIN your locus of control? No? Then who gives a flying fuck?
Imagine if a woman decided not to date you because your last girlfriend had a D cup and she was just a C. I mean, I’ve dated women from barely a mosquito bite to bras that would more accurately be described as over the shoulder boulder holders. I had great sex with them and every one in between.
Odds are, she’s had dicks bigger and dicks smaller. So what? Sex is a theater of the MIND. If you can turn her on and get her MIND and her EMOTIONS going, the rest of it literally doesn’t matter.
Or maybe I’m reading too much into this and you’re just a racist piece of shit who doesn’t realize it’s 2014, not 1964…
I can understand not generally being ATTRACTED to people of other races, but to judge someone ELSE for dating another race? Not cool, bro. Not cool at all.
I’m not racist, I’ve just had a bad experience with a similar situation before.
Fuck if you’re gonna rag on me like that then I’m gonna fucking bang her.
Seriously though I appreciate the opinion.
Just put it in her ass, the black guy was probably too big for her there. You will seem huge.
The Boromir meme kind of gets a double meaning in this context.
[quote]Chushin wrote:
[quote]EmilyQ wrote:
Not every thread has to be about you and your Hockey![/quote]
Ha ha!!!
[quote]Captnoblivious wrote:
[quote]jjackkrash wrote:
Questions from HR to Legal:
Q1: I have this guy in our office who banged a coworker. They aren’t dating now, but she is jilted and now claims he is glaring at her and intimidating her, what should I do?
A1: Fire him. We need to avoid an EEOC charge if we can and have a defense in the event she files one.
Q2: I have this guy who banged a coworker. She apparently has a boyfriend who is now calling and making threats and making everyone feel nervous and uncomfortable. What should I do?
A2: Call the cops on the boyfriend and fire they guy who banged his coworker. We need to avoid a work-place violence situation.
Q3: I have this guy in our office who banged a co-worker. They appear to be dating and quite happy, but some of the other female co-workers are complaining that she gets special treatment.
A3: Fire the guy for exercising bad judgment and potentially exposing us to EEOC liability. One employee just isn’t worth the risk litigation or lost productivity through bad morale.
Do women get fired in these situations or is it usually the male? [/quote]
When I was married to the psycho, she was jealous of every woman I worked with, for no reason. She stalked one, even followed her home and threatened her.
I came within a RCH of being fired, they had me in the office with the company attorney. My wife was banned from even being on the property and I’d be fired if she ever approached anyone working there again.