There’s this girl who works in the deli who I go talk to once in a while & I thought we got along & stuff, but last weekend she totally raged on me saying that I stand there & stare at her while she’s working (which I don’t). I said I didn’t but I guess I was doing something that made her think so. When she freaked out like that I was surprised because when she 1st started, she was going to take me out & get me high so I thought she liked me (to some degree). What I don’t understand is why she wouldn’t tell me to fuck off or something before if I was bugging her or distracting her (like most of the other girls do) & then she wouldn’t have had to flip out on me like that. Next time I see her I’ll find out why she’d want me to think she thought something when she thought something totally different.
Gee, a girl acting one way and feeling another? Dude that is one of their favorite tricks. See, they dont have much testosterone so they try to get what they want by being underhanded and indirect.
Or maybe she thinks youre a potential stalker with a rapist mentality…
maybe she was high or somethin…
Hmm…a girl making things up such as someone staring at them to make themselves feel better. Reminds me of the girls who think they get hit on all the time, or girls who think everyone stares at their chest.
She raged on you huh? Maybe the junkie hadnt had her fix or her big fat Bob Marley style joint and she was a little edgy?
I would counter with three words. “get over yourself!”
She wants you. Tell her you just cannot trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn’t die that is why you just look and don’t try to touch. Then laugh. If she gets pissy well she was on the rag. If she laughs she wants you and was just being bitchy to get your attention. (seriously though stare at her for a while then say out loud “You were right I do not know what I saw in you.” Then walk away give her time to think about it she will come back at you pissy. Just play it cool and when she gets all up in your shit just look her in the eye and just say “you are just pissy cause I said no” No means no" buah aahaa.a then laugh your ass off cause a high ass bitch ain’t worth it. When she goes down she will bring everyone around her with.
I doubt that she wants me. Supposedly she’s got a boyfriend who got her a nice hat for V-Day (her words). I didn’t think that mattered so I didn’t put it in.
Maybe we all should start acting like women and pretending everyone wants us, every girl that talks to us wants to play hide the weenie, everyone stares at our package, and only talk shit behind people’s backs.
“What I don’t understand is why she wouldn’t tell me to fuck off or something before if I was bugging her or distracting her (like most of the other girls do) & then she wouldn’t have had to flip out on me like that.” I have to ask because of this statement so please forgive me if I misunderstood. Do you mean that you get this alot, chicks saying you’re staring at them and freaking them out? One more thing, if she did tell you to fuck off like the other girls isn’t that sort of raging?
I go talk to a cashier or something while nothing’s going on & if I start bugging her she tells me too get lost. On our breaks we’re friends again though. One of them even gives me a ride home if we work the same shift (she’s married though).
I would tell her not to flatter herself…Tell her you were staring at her because you smelled nasty pussy and you thought it was her…that should turn the old tables…
See, shes going out with no-name, and hes not hitting it right.
Wait til they break up, and you can F@#K her like a Backstreet boy in the prison shower on Valentines Day when the lights go out…Right in the A#@!