Advice on a female co-worker

Looking for some advice on how to handle a situation with a co-worker that I’m attracted to. The reason why I’m looking for some advice is because I’ve recently ended an 8 year relationship, and I’ve honestly never been in a situation like this.

So I started work again beginning of March about a week in I started noticing this girl always walking around my desk and trying to make eye contact with me. After about a week of smiling and whatnot she pursues me in the break room and starts up a convo. I thought she was seeking me out, I’m no expert but she was definitely flirting.

About a week + 1/2 after that after consistent constant flirting she tells me she has a “partner”, but tries to slip it into the middle of a convo. So I immediately called her out on it. Turns out her “partner” is actually her boyfriend but she doesn’t like that term. She also drops that she’s only 21 after that.

However, the flirting hasn’t stopped, she has mentioned her boyfriend here and there though, but has dropped food n shit off at my desk and In my opinion she seems interested in me.

So basically I was just looking for advice on what you guys would do in my position. She’s attractive, we get along very well, I’m guessing she’s either interested in me or a dick tease…

Do not shit where you eat.

If that is too hard, she is a plate, no more.

If she will cheat on her boyfriend, she will cheat on you.

You can use her as a social pivot to get more worthy women because preselection.

Paint the map of Hawaii on her ass

[quote]orion wrote:
Do not shit where you eat.

You should have stopped there.

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:
Do not shit where you eat.

You should have stopped there. [/quote]


Just… Dont’

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:
Do not shit where you eat.

You should have stopped there. [/quote]

Yeah, but most men will not stop there…

[quote]orion wrote:
Do not shit where you eat.

Why not? I’ve hooked up with three girls I’ve worked with before. Nothing bad ever came from it. In fact, they told other girls at work positive things about me in the sack.

I would say no based on the fact this chick has a boyfriend. Nothing wrong with some innocent office flirting though.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:

[quote]jjackkrash wrote:

[quote]orion wrote:
Do not shit where you eat.

You should have stopped there. [/quote]


Just… Dont’[/quote]

fourth I’ve lost two jobs as a result of not taking this advice

Listen to Richard Lewis.

Do not shit where you eat…

if she reports to you or anyone under you.

Even then, dude, it’s a big world. Go find some strange elsewhere, you don’t need the drama.

It will get weird when things go wrong, not if, but when.

Since she says she has a boyfriend,it isn’t likely to go bad, she wants a fling, if you can give it to her,why not?

Is this a job you wouldn’t mind losing? If so then go ahead and pursue it.

“So I started work again in the middle of March…”. Aren’t you the guy who was laid off or out of work for Looooooong time?

And you want to dip your pen in the company ink? AREYOUFUCKINGCRAZY???

Boundaries. They ARE important.

If you somehow “connect” with your “soul mate” at the workplace, that’s another situation. But this is a 21 year old cheating whore who is looking for the next horsey on the carousel. With all the foresight, character, wisdom, empathy and responsibility of a 21 year old cheating whore, you have to ask yourself, "is this the person I A) want to be seen associating with? and B) trust my job too?

Find another cheating whore to bang - the world is full of them.

Don’t do it.

Seeing as we are all on the same page, I was wondering if everyone else has had the same experience with these types of questions.

Whenever I have been asked, should I hook up with xyz, the person asking has never actually followed through on a no. They seemed to just want someone to give them a good reason to bang who they deep down knew they shouldn’t. In the absence of anyone backing them they would invent a reason, usually while drunk or high.The power of pussy/dick seems to override over anything else.

I can include my late teens early twenties self in that camp as well.

Yeah, don’t play at the office. I know it’s hard not to some times, but you’ll be better off in the long run.

Word gets around at work if you’re seeing someone, especially if its known she has a steady boyfriend… it gets looked down on. This can definitely be a poor career move.


[quote]bdocksaints75 wrote:
Is this a job you wouldn’t mind losing? If so then go ahead and pursue it.[/quote]

If shit goes South, there might not be a “next job” for a while, especially in a field that requires references for a new job.

Question 1 at next interview: “So, why did you leave your last job?”