I read these forums and the articles more than i post, in fact i think this may only be my second or third post. I was somewhat unsure where to post this so I’m hoping I’m able to get some advice on my questions.
My main problem is an extreme lack of progress, i have hit plateaus before, and understand not all progress can come quickly, however there seems to be a sever lack of any and I’m unsure why.
Currently I do a body part split: Chest, legs, day off, Tri/shoulder, Back/Bi, day off. I work in all rep ranges depending on day.
Chest for example: dumbbell bench (8x5), Dumbbell Fly (3x12), Incline barbell bench (3-4x 12), Dips (just max out on bw used kind of as a break from weights during workout), flys on machine 3x12 (feels way different then dumbbell fly that’s why i also do it), end with cable presses (put cable to just under shoulder height and press out).
That to me is one of my medium days, back day being my longest. I dead-lift twice a week (really want that number to go up) once heavier 5 working sets of 3-5 and the other time lighter with 5 sets of 12.
In case its relevant i eat fairly clean no more than 100g carbs a day, some days none. For breakfast i tend to eat 1.2 pounds ground turkey and drink a pot of coffee (black), lunch i eat about 2 pounds ground turkey with some veggies, and for dinner 1 pound with some sweet potatoes. Then i hit the gym. Only way i found i can stick to a diet is if its insanely simple and plain.
I’m 6 ft weigh 175. bench is only about 265 right now (did 300 at 200 pounds once). my max deadlift is 330 (somewhat nervous going all out as i have had a spine injury in the past). squats i’m still unable to do (get a sharp pain since back injury at the low point of the movement). Other notable lifts to gauge where I’m at might be wide grip pull ups, 17. And bent over single arm row is at 100 pounds 8x5. I realize I’m average at best, but i would like to improve that.
If this is far to vague let, me know what other information you might need to help me, or if it’s most likely just my routine that blows.