The approach to use would depends on the individual’s strength and weaknesses.
To give you an idea, I can give you the weekly schedule that I have one of my Crossfit girls do, this is next week’s plan, first week of a 6 weeks cycle toward the regionals.
1, Snatch
65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3
85% x 3 sets de 2
- Back squat
65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 3 sets of 3
10 minutes AMRAP
5 snatch 95lbs
5 overhead squat 95lbs
10 burpees
Muscle-up skill practice 10 minutes
Pistol skill practice 5 minutes
Clean & jerk
65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 3, 85 x 3 sets of 3
Push press
65% x 3, 75% x 3, 85% x 3 sets of 3
10 minutes AMRAP
5 muscle-up
5 C&J 115lbs
10 deadlift 115lbs
20 KB swing 24kg
- Mobility work 20 minutes
Rower 500m
50 air squat
4 rounds
Handstand hold (5 min, total time)
Handstand walk (3 min, total time)
Snatch complex
1 pwr.snatch hang + 1 pwr.snatch floor + 1 squat snatch floor + 3 ov.squat
1 set 65%, 1 set 75%, 3 sets 80%
15 minutes AMRAP
5 handstand PU
10 overhead squat 75lbs
20 wall ball
40 burpees
Mobility work
- C&J complex
1 deadlift + 1 pwr.clean hang + 1 squat clean hang + 2 front squat + 1 jerk
1 set 55%, 1 set 65%, 1 sets 75%, 3 sets 85%
6 minutes AMRAP
5 thruster 85
10 chin-up
Mobility work
Muscle-up skills practice 20 minutes
Burpees Tabata
Max burpees 20 sec
Rest 10 sec
10 rounds
NOW… This is the first week after the open, which is basically a 5 weeks competition. So it is an “easy” week. The normal set-up is similar but heavier weights are used. And the WOD duration increases every week for 4 weeks.
ALSO… this is a competitive period program, meaning that the goal is to be good at the sport of Crossfit and stay fresh.
During the off-season her training is basically the same that I have my olympic lifters on (layer work on the basic strength lift and traditional loading on the olympic lifts), with one WOD per week and low intensity skill work 2-3 times a week before the olympic lifting.