I´m 50 and I´ve been on TRT with 62.5mg test-enanthate E3.5D for the last 3 years. TT was about 1000-1100 during this period. Libido and EQ are perfect. Now I want to do a mild “blast”. I consider to raise test-enanthate to about 125mg twice a week. For recovery (or “healing”) reasons, I think about adding 100mg deca once per week. The only thing I am afraid of this plan is the deca dick. How likely is getting a deca dick with 250 testo and 100 deca per week?
Chances are close to 0.
Better add Deca @200mg or even 1:1 with test.
If you want to see real benefits of adding Deca to cycle - 200mg x 2 week (400mg total).
Completely disagree. The response to Nandrolone is highly individual regardless of Test ratio or even throwing in a DHT.
I don’t want to see deca benefits concerning gains, just concerning better healing and recovery of sore joints. AFAIK, 80-100 mg per week are sufficient for that task.
So chances are that 100mg deca could put my dick to sleep?
Use something like BPC157 or TB500 then. Many report great results with those peptides. You may actually heal your joints with those, vs masking pain with Deca.
Yeah, I would prefer TB500. Problem is that it is not available in my country and it is illegal to order over internet. Once customs caught a package of ibutamoren and I was fined by the authorities.
Understood. Is HGH available and or affordable for you? I’d probably go down that route (in replacement doses) before Deca as a TRT add on. Depends on your natural production too. If it is normal or above, it may not (probably doesn’t) make much sense.
In replacement (HRT) doses, it can be pretty great for joints. Lots of older guys report that they feel much younger in regards to joint pain on HGH. Like they get up from a chair without pain or creaky joints.
I did NPP for the last 1-2 weeks or so. at 25MG EOD. deca has an insane half life, if you run into issues …you will ride it for quite some time.
TBH there is some gym recovery and energy gains. but I am done with it.
after a while it tanks your libido and you feel sluggish. I did not get full blown ED, but i would not get hard at all during the day, only during sex it would get up, but I felt like i need some cialis to sustain it.
for me not worth it overall, i think blasting T is way better solo
I can agree, but I literally don’t know anyone even using a little as 100mg/w.
If there is a test base, D3ca d1ck shouldn’t be a problem. Jm 0.02$
I do and I have personally used it at 100mg with ED as the result. I’ve also seen guys run a ton of it solo with no issues. It’s just an individual response.
I think that Test is working the best with DHT derivates (and Dbol), from nor19 derivates only (IMHO) NPP is a muscle in a vial. Tren is not worth except from competing level.
The best blasts (one’s that one can keep) that I saw was with blasting T level to 750mg range while cruising. Just simple good old T.
I dropped Test down to minimal dose to supply DHT and estrogen (80mg) then added in NPP starting at 80mg. I titrated up to 350mg without issue, then switched to Deca at 600mg/wk with 100mg test.
I’ve had 0 deca dick or any related symptoms. Libido is fine, no mental symptoms, nothing but gains and rough sex.
Response seems to be individual, but I’m going out on a limb and saying if you find your low-end test dose (literally just enough to supply DHT and sufficient estrogen), then add Nandrolone - you won’t have Deca Dick. Supplement B6/P5P to keep prolactin in check.
A lot of folks on this board demonize Nandrolone, but I’ve done well on it. Only way to tell is to find out yourself. NPP is a good way to start your experiment, due to short half-life.
do you see any benefits or running low T +high nandrolone vs just high T
i might retry your approach, but for 25% more anabolism not sure this is worth it
it felt a bit more chemical castration lol
I was getting cystic back acne with test at 180mg/wk. Since going low test, I haven’t seen cystic acne at all and overall back acne has lowered.
RE Benefits, yeah - knees and shoulders feel less like shit. Strength is up, body composition is moving the right direction (literally recomping at the physique in my profile pic).
Not sure where this number comes from. Test as a 1:1 Myotropic to Androgenic ratio compares to 11:1 for Nandrolone. Androgenic response is usually much of what we don’t want. I like this much more than actual TRT. Keep an eye out for too low of estrogen - this can reduce libido/induce ED. You can control this with Test dose or HCG if that floats your boat.
FWIW I know some folks who have soloed deca at 1200mg and done fine for long cycles as well.
Full disclosure, I’ve never had a hint of ED or reduced sexual desire. For folks who have - they might be more susceptible to these than I am.