Adding Bands Into Training

the only other things i do on DE day is

Power Clean 6x2

1 leg board hop - (hop on & off a 12" box as fast as possible)

Banded Squats 8x2

i do 4 weeks then 1 week deload.

Just those 3 exercises wouldnt be overdoing it right?

[quote]Phill wrote:
Zell959 wrote:
Bands can add an interesting twist to training, but they have a tendancy to beat you up and leave you pretty sore(an accelerated negative will do that).

HMM ive actually found them good for aiding my joints etc on pressing movements and upper body work not so much lower but dont have any probs there so hard to gauge it.

I think they are a good tool like others have said rotate them in for sure.


Perhaps I’m just more of mess then I realize then. yikes…

what is a better exercise for football purposes. Banded Box Squat or Banded Speed Squats