HI I’d like to admit that I’m addicted to:
Working Out
Buying Supplements
Thinking About working out and buying supplements
Reading T-Mag / Forum
Reading Great Strength Coach Articles and Books
I never stop thinking about working out
Anyone else identify with me? No one I know understands
I think we all understand where you’re coming from, we generally think the same way. Well, I’d say most of us anyhow. Personally I find it can be a problem at times, as, like you said, people just don’t understand.
I do, feel, and think the exact same thing you do. What sucks is it’s effecting my school. Because I get so burned out from intense workouts, I don’t have the energy to study for my classes. Not to mention, I spend way too much time reading articles on the latest training routines/supplements, etc. But if you read TC’s Atomic Dog column “My God, He turned 240 Males into Eunichs,” you’ll understand all that T in you will do you good later in life. All I can say is we belong in a subculture in which those who are outside of it don’t understand what we go through.
I sure wish I could find some t-mag friends!
can I ever relate. This kind of shit runs my life. I spend anywhere from 50-100 bucks a month on books. I suppose that this is a good thing though. I work as a coach and it makes me so crazy angry when I talk to other coaches who don’t seem to ever make a concerted effort to improve themselves. But yeah, no one seems to understand my enthusiasm. What can you do?
You left out staring at yourself in the mirror and always being conscious of your weakest bodypart (which for me is my calves).
I hear you loud and clear! I am very much the same way. I just wish that my workouts were always top knotch every time I hit the gym. Some days after work, I just don’t have the energy or desire to hit it hard. Or I’ll get one real good workout, and then be too sore or tired for some of the other ones. But I’m thinking about training all the time, and reading articles, and on the forum! It’s an obsession. But not a bad one!
The gospel has been spoken! I knew I wasn’t alone with such a love and passion for the game. I agree it’s a healthy obsession. There’s tons of other shit that normal people do to just pass the time, while we’re constantly trying to better ourselves (look at it that way). Personally, I couldn’t imagine life any other way. It’s funny, I’ll be studying (trying anyway) and I’ll think to myself that something new might be on the forum or that I missed a T-mag article or there’s something else I want to research…it’s a constant learning process and there’s so much out there for my hungry mind. There’s no way not to think about it. Life’s too short to just let the time pass.
I have to agree, although I go in phases. Although I workout and read all of the latest literature year round, my diet seems to suffer from late summer through winter. This year I’ll try to straighten it out for good. And as for this web site, I knew of it but never really used it much. This week I really started checking it out, and in 4 days I have probably been on here for 15 hours, I am hooked. Look forward to sharing info. with all of you T DOGS
I think the best thing we can do, is to wear our T-Mag T-Shirts (which I’m in the process of getting) in the hope of running into another T-Man or T-Vixen. We can talk ‘shop’ for a week or two, and perhaps then go home to get on with life for a little while and check out the latest issue of T-Mag.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve lost a lot of girls that just can’t handle my way of life. I make a lot of concessions, but it’s like it makes them feel bad that I’m so dedicated to it… anyone have this problem???
It’s like…
“…I just don’t understand why you’re drinking pure fatty oil, can’t we have just one night eating out this month, I’m sure a few carbs won’t hurt…”
“…of course I like having a boyfriend with a body like yours, but you went to the gym Monday AND Wednesday, you’re practically ignoring me completely…”
Doh! Must have forgotten to put in my name for the post below. (labelled “…”) Anyway, that was me.
its so true, nobody understands what it is like to be a T-man. Somebody mentioned that they wanted to have some fellow T-man friends. Anyone live in the Miami, Fl area? It would be interesting to meet up or even train. Give a holler whenever.