(Updated 10/8/2015)
Old log can be found here:
For the New Year, I decided to start a new log, as I decided to focus my training more than last year by sticking to a couple of themes. I tend to natter on, so here’s the Cliff Notes of my background:
28 years old
210 LBS
Three-sport HS athlete (Football, Wrestling, Track)
College football player (40 games played, 29 starts)
Semi-competitive distance runner from 2008-2012
Now, just trying to be strong, conditioned, and healthy
Training Outline (obviously this has changed a few times within the log):
3-4 mornings per week will feature a barbell session at the gym I joined (as of 8/3) that will be focused on power cleans, deadlifts, and pull-ups. 1-2 mornings per week will be a short kettlebell session at home; occasionally I have an early-morning meeting that makes it impractical to go to the gym, so I’ll get a quick 15-minute KB session in with high intensity and short rests (one favorite is 15 sets of 10 swings with my 88-pounder EMOM).
Weekends will usually feature a hot yoga class in the morning. I first dabbled with hot yoga in 2010; since then, I’ve (mostly) been to at least one hot yoga class a week and plan to keep that as a lifelong habit. I’m not good about doing mobility work or stretching of any kind before/after workouts, so I figure that going to a yoga class every week makes up for that somewhat.
When I travel over weekends (which happens at least once a month, be it for work or personal reasons), I will do whatever activity is most practical. Could be a yoga class, kettlebell workout, or something in the hotel’s fitness room.
Tools Available:
- Kettlebell Collection
a) My apartment: 26, 35, 44, 44, 53, 88
b) Fiancee’s apartment: 20, 25, 35, 45, 62
Spinning Bike (in my own apartment)
Gym (~1 mile from apartment)
Hot Yoga Studios (2 studios within ~2 miles from apartment)
Performance & Physique Goals
Height: 5’11"
Weight: 200 LBS
KB Snatch: 100 x 53-LBS (recent PR: 60 x 44-LBS, 7/24/2015)
Power Clean: 1 x 225 LBS (recent PR: 1 x 225 LBS, 8/14/2015)
Deadlift: 1 x 405 LBS (recent PR: 1 x 385 LBS, 10/8/2015)
Pull-Ups: 1 x 20 (recent PR: 1 x 10, a bunch of times)