I have and injured shoulder, elbow and a slight tweak in my back is it better to completely rest and take off a few weeks or should I do recovery work such as sprinting push ups and sit ups for a few weeks???
dont do anything until healed
if you can do AR then some is always good. but im sure you have no clue what active recovery is simply because you think sprinting is AR???
[quote]wufwugy wrote:
if you can do AR then some is always good. but im sure you have no clue what active recovery is simply because you think sprinting is AR???[/quote]
Well then can you explain your definition to me…As far as I knew I thought AR was light use of the injured muscle
AR is feeding the tissue with blood, not inducing any fatigue that will last longer than the mild pump, and increasing cardiovascularity. so yes, light use of the injured muscle can be AR. but sprinting is most definately some of the heaviest stuff you could do. pushups and situps are good for AR when used mildly and in circuit with other exercises.
AR is not an exercise; it’s a way of performing an exercise.
Jesus if you have arm and back problems, why dont you let it ride for a week or so. I would take off for a week, then do some pushups and situps the next week. Give it time.