
[quote]JonEightPackGuy wrote:
Accutane baby it’s the only thing that worked. I had to go through a whole program about all how it works and what not to do, because it is one powerful drug. It could make you blind, have bad joints, tons of other bad side affects, but I didn’t get any of them. Yeah! But I was at the end of my rope you know what I mean. I had it like that for 2 years and was like F this I want to do something to get rid of it. So I took a risk and I came out fine.

You can look up the drug, it’s real name is: Isotretinoin

Here is another pic of what I had on my chest. Sick sad stuff man.


Wow, thats nuts, bro. I’m glad to see things worked out for you. I had some acne on my back and I took Accutane and it was awesome. I really didn’t feel too many effects (just lucky) but because the acne on my face wasn’t that severe, I still get it mildly from time to time. That might also be due to razor burn.

On a side note, I really hope they don’t ban Accutane. It really improves self image for those that need it badly.

Dude I don’t know what I would have done if it would have been banned. It saved my life. The thing is I had none on my face and when I took off my shirt to show the doctor he was like OMG HOLY F*** SH**.

wow the pics of those acne make me
look baby smooth… hahha but damn
man that’s severe and guess what yrs
ago my older brother had way worse than
what you’ve had and it was huge white
oozing like a cheese pizza… and he
has scarring as a result of it.


[quote]bartonmlee wrote:
wow the pics of those acne make me
look baby smooth… hahha but damn
man that’s severe and guess what yrs
ago my older brother had way worse than
what you’ve had and it was huge white
oozing like a cheese pizza… and he
has scarring as a result of it.


Dude that sucks. I know I’ve still got some scars stuff on my back and it sucks. Anybody know anything that repairs scarred skin? Mine used to be huge white lump like things that would ooze puss and shat it suck I tell ya it sucked balls.

[quote]Revo09 wrote:
King of Kings wrote:
entheogens wrote:
How is your diet? Cut out most dairy, sugar, white flour and fried foods. Get your digestive system in shape: take probiotics and eat fermented food.
Make sure that your bowel movements are frequent enough. May need to add more fiber.

Topically, apply clay masques, daily if possible. Dont spend your money on pre-made clay masks, buy some loose green clay which should cost you from 5-10 bucks and will last for a long, long time. Use a tablespoon and add a little water. Apply to face and leave for 25 minutes or so until hardened. Wash off with water.

Great Advice

Its diet,i use to have major acne over my shoulders and chest.
Cut out milk and cheese from my diet and acne went away.
If only i knew this when i was a young teen :frowning:
Even now when i have a milkshake or some cheese on toast that a few days later i start getting acne on my shoulders again.

Good luck with bro,PM me if u want any more help.

King of Kings

Do you guys find this true with skim milk also? I have mild acne and while this admission is slightly emasculating, I just go to the tanning room once a week and it clears it up well. I really like milk in my diet so do you feel its that important to give up to clear up the acne? Thanks a lot guys.

I was taking skim milk when i had all my acne.
Another thing i found to bring acne up is lying on bences eg-bench press.i think they are called friction pimples and those fuckers hurt.
I do all my exercises standing up and my pimples went away.

Really its all about finding what works for u.trial and error.
good luck

[quote]JonEightPackGuy wrote:
bartonmlee wrote:
wow the pics of those acne make me
look baby smooth… hahha but damn
man that’s severe and guess what yrs
ago my older brother had way worse than
what you’ve had and it was huge white
oozing like a cheese pizza… and he
has scarring as a result of it.


Dude that sucks. I know I’ve still got some scars stuff on my back and it sucks. Anybody know anything that repairs scarred skin? Mine used to be huge white lump like things that would ooze puss and shat it suck I tell ya it sucked balls.[/quote]


Dude,i just seen your pics.looks painful.

I had acne on my chest and back but nothing quite that bad.

how did u cope emotionally? People dont realise it can just fuck your self esteem and even drive people to suicide.

When u cant even take your shirt off when going to the beach it just sucks,trust me i know.

How is your acne looking nowadays bro?

Man you know what sucked is my parents own a private beach and not being able to invite friends down to it because I didn’t want to take off my shirt. It’s hard to when you workout and people want you to show them how your looking.

Damn man I thought about suicide and like shat it was like I can’t even think of having a girlfriend, because what if she found out… everybody would know and I’d be ruined. Seriously though if people found out that I had that severe of acne at the time I had it. I would have committed suicide, no joke. It hurts emotionally as well as physically.

Just remember those of you who are dealing with acne even if it’s not as bad as mine, is that everybody has had it at one point of there life or another. Heck even some girls have bad acne. I never look down on somebody because there skin is a lil messed up by acne because I wouldn’t want them to think of me that way.

[quote]etaco wrote:
Low dose accutane has worked well for me after trying everything else and getting poor results. I don’t know what the side effects are like at the standard dose, but they’re pretty mild if you do half.[/quote]

I second this - I’m on low dose accutane (20mg a day) at the moment which I picked up from chemone and it works extremely well - after 2 weeeks my skin was clear and now I only get about 1 spot a month.

It can’t hurt to make an appointment with a dermatologist. In the long run, you might get better results quicker and spend less money than you would looking for a drugstore cure.

My daughter is only 13 and struggles with severe acne, so I’ve spent a lot of time at the dermatologist with her and trying out many different meds. The only thing that’s worked is a low dose treatment of accutane & 5% benzoyl peroxide. She looks like a totally different person than she did a year ago. You may not need something so powerful, but there are a lot of different topical prescription medications and they’re going to be way more effective than what’s in the drugstore.

There are also a lot of new laser treatments, light treatments, dermabrasion available for acne. It’s just a matter of finding what works for you.

On another note - to the poster who had bad acne… I’m so glad accutane helped you. God Bless guys like you who have been to hell and back with it and can empathize with others - especially girls.

Acne is a terrible cross to have to bear, but for some of us we have to or have had to bear it. I was desperate. I was like I’ll try anything even if there is a high chance I’d go blind (No accutane doesn’t have a high chance of making you go blind, but I’m just saying if it did I still would have gaven it a shot)

Does fish oil help with acne ???