Has anyone had experience with getting acne from Optimum Protein Mixes? I know it sounds weird but here is what I have noticed. I have never used Anabolics, just one cycle of androsol/nandrosol w/ Methoxy and Tribex as directed. I finshed that cycle 6 months ago and did not get any major acne. I have been using Optimum’s protein powder either the whey or the procomplex for about 6 months. Recently I was on the Colorado River for two weeks and thus this did not supplement w/ protein and my back and arms started to clear up. Now that I am back and training and eating well again I am getting acne on my back and arms. I think it is the Optimum’s protein powder. My diet is 1 to 1.25 gr of Protein per pound, 20 % fat and the rest carbs. I work out M,T,TH,F and shower soon afterwords. Currently my only other supplements are a multi-vitimin and Surge. I am 34 and did not have acne on my back and upper arms like this when I has a teenager. HELP! I have ordered some advanced protein.
I use Optimums whey protein but never had a problem…
Actually that could be an allergy.
By Optimum, I’m assuming you’re refering to Optimum Nutrition? I’ve been using Optimum Nutrition’s 100% whey protien (both versions) for over a year with no apparent acne problems. If you’ve used other products without acne, and you have it with ON’s products, I’d think it’s something in ON’s product that you are maybe alergic to. I didn’t think their ingredients were really any different than others, but then again they are about the cheapest (and best tasting, and easiest mixing) whey protiens I’ve found, so maybe there’s something there.
Thanks for your comments. I am going to try switching and see what happens.