I am a fairly well conditioned weight trainer. Bench 350, squat 465, dead 500. My issue. Big belly. I don’t really have much fat on it…it just sticks out more than I like. No I am on no exotic drugs other than protein.
Most ab training is centered on ripping the muscle or increasin strength. Any body know how just push it back in?
yohimbe and dieting
Are you serious? Take some time and read up on the many nutrition articles that t-mag has to offer. It’s literally a library of information at your fingertips.
Try training your transverse abdominus. If you don’t know what that is, run a search on the T-Mag site.
Im really interested in finding out a solution to this. And to “BodyIQ”, what is this guy supposed to put in the search engine?? “how to push my big belly back in”?
You idiot!
I suggest you tighten your transverse abdominus. Try Pavel’s Power Breathing techniques. It will kick your ass better than any ab routine you do now.
You might be fatter than you think. Maybe get a BF assessment done? If you’re above 14%, I’m guessing that the sticking out might be from sub-muscular fat. Males tend to put on fat “inside” the gut before we put it “outside” (under the skin), so chances are if you can pinch-an-inch you’re already overweight.
I’ve noticed males hit a certain age and start to get this gut growing from the inside out even without any change in caloric intake and with an even possible decrease in subcutaneous bodyfat levels. The research seems to indicate that it’s caused by insulin resistance which is probably true but I also believe it is somehow related to either a decline in Free T levels or an increase in DHT levels (due to the observance that this usually starts to occur at the same time that the hair starts to migrate from the head to the back etc.) Regardless, anything that boosts T seems to help and anything that increases insulin sensitivity won’t hurt either.
heres a good link
now can I get some help getting rid of a "flat" spare tire??
You can try Thin Tummy’s, check out kings 12 week ab workout, i’m about to start phase 4 and my abs have never looked better, and in the time i’ve been on it i’ve put on 8 lbs, and the abs still look more defined
what you have, more than likely is higher visceral fat levels. this is an unfortunate cross male have to bear, just like women have to bear accumulation in the hip and glute area. the only thing that will reverse that is diet. osme of the ab training mentioned above will help, but it;s going to come down to diet. one other cause for this can be a weak lower back. but since you do deads, this might not be the case. although you might try wweighted hyperextensions or seated good mornings.
I also have this problem.I am an experienced lifter of more than 20 years and am 52 years old.My B/f is quite low you can see the veins running down my arms and legs and i have excellent abs from the navel up.From the navel down my belly sticks out like a starving child you see on the news channel! This is something that came as i got older and have had to get used to it.
Dave F.