About Sheiko Training

[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:
When I look at something like this or Metal Militia’s bench press routine, it just screams S T E R O I D S at me.

have you tryed them?

i used metal militia to improve my bench press last year and i get it without problems…

[quote]cadav wrote:
Julius_Caesar wrote:
When I look at something like this or Metal Militia’s bench press routine, it just screams S T E R O I D S at me.

have you tryed them?

i used metal militia to improve my bench press last year and i get it without problems…[/quote]

Could you post the protocol for me?
I saw one over the internet a year ago and it featured a mind boggling amount of volume.

[quote]DPH wrote:
Julius_Caesar wrote:
When I look at something like this or Metal Militia’s bench press routine, it just screams S T E R O I D S at me.

to my understanding, the metal militia’s bench training is mostly centered around learning optimal technique for the modern super-bench shirts…

AAS don’t help you master super-shirt technique…[/quote]

Like I said, the sheer amount of volume in the routine that I saw looked tailored for the juicer; juice might not help with your bench shirt, but they do help with recovery.

[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:

Anyone can make decent gains on WSB, Ed Coan’s routines or many of the other routines that I have seen/tried before regardless of chemical assistence.

When I look at something like this or Metal Militia’s bench press routine, it just screams S T E R O I D S at me.


Seriously, if you have the training capacity to do westside, you are ready for Sheiko. In some ways, Westside is harder, due to maxing out every week, two bench session per week, sometimes two squat sessions per week.

Give it a try if you don’t have a meet coming up. It probably won’t add a lot to your equipped contest lifts but I think it is great for working on your raw base and to some extent technique.

[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:
cadav wrote:
Julius_Caesar wrote:
When I look at something like this or Metal Militia’s bench press routine, it just screams S T E R O I D S at me.

have you tryed them?

i used metal militia to improve my bench press last year and i get it without problems…

Could you post the protocol for me?
I saw one over the internet a year ago and it featured a mind boggling amount of volume.


i belive the idea of metal militia training is 1 day devoted to shirt trianing and 1 day devoted to raw training per week

[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:

Could you post the protocol for me?
I saw one over the internet a year ago and it featured a mind boggling amount of volume.


I take the one from Metal Militia site.
this is the link:


However I do that workout always raw. I don’t use shirt

[quote]redsox348984 wrote:
i belive the idea of metal militia training is 1 day devoted to shirt trianing and 1 day devoted to raw training per week[/quote]

you are right.
however I have used it without shirt and i get nice improvement. It was really helpfull to get out of a “dead point” :slight_smile:

Me and the guys I train bench with usually have followed something similar to MM leading up to a meet. I have done this drug-free and made progress. However, the volume that I do is probbaly a good bit less than Burns or Crawford might do. My logic has been that a bench specialist has a bit more leeway to go buck-wild on bench training than someone who trains for a full meet. Also, those guys have built up to high volume over several years. A bench work out for me might look like this:

Warm up raw to a heavy 5 or 3.
Put on a shirt.
3 or 4 boards- work up to 2 or 3 heavy triples, maybe a PR, but usually not.
1-3 full range singles- sometimes, just the minimum to get a weight to touch; other times, something heavier, may a PR attempt if I feel good.
Then a couple accessory lifts- rear delts, DB press, extensions, for example.

I have done this both with and without a raw day. While I am pretty whupped after doing these workouts, I can’t say that I have ever overtrained.

I am in the 3rd week of Sheiko’s Master of sports program. I am training 4x per week at 2 hours per workout.

Prior to this I had done the 3x3 w/ great gains. If there is anything that I have realized is that I get at powerlifting by powerlifting.

The Sheiko programs do not call for 100% effort every workout. In the prep phase I only got a spotter on the last set of incline benches. The rest of the time I have not used a spotter. The program is based on the idea that as a powerlifter you rely on the creatine-phosphate metabolism and do not need anaerobic glycolysis, hence most of your reps are 5 or under. You rest as long as you like. You are developing powerlifting specific strength.

Ask yourself… How do Olympic lifters train? How do long distance runners train? How do sprinters train?.. Is it by practicing their sport.


[quote]beefcakemdphd wrote:
I am in the 3rd week of Sheiko’s Master of sports program. I am training 4x per week at 2 hours per workout.

Prior to this I had done the 3x3 w/ great gains. If there is anything that I have realized is that I get at powerlifting by powerlifting.

The Sheiko programs do not call for 100% effort every workout. In the prep phase I only got a spotter on the last set of incline benches. The rest of the time I have not used a spotter. The program is based on the idea that as a powerlifter you rely on the creatine-phosphate metabolism and do not need anaerobic glycolysis, hence most of your reps are 5 or under. You rest as long as you like. You are developing powerlifting specific strength.

Ask yourself… How do Olympic lifters train? How do long distance runners train? How do sprinters train?.. Is it by practicing their sport.



I do better using the conjugate method than I do at any periodization schemes.
But this is just me…

[quote]Pinto wrote:
Me and the guys I train bench with usually have followed something similar to MM leading up to a meet. I have done this drug-free and made progress. However, the volume that I do is probbaly a good bit less than Burns or Crawford might do. My logic has been that a bench specialist has a bit more leeway to go buck-wild on bench training than someone who trains for a full meet. Also, those guys have built up to high volume over several years. A bench work out for me might look like this:

Warm up raw to a heavy 5 or 3.
Put on a shirt.
3 or 4 boards- work up to 2 or 3 heavy triples, maybe a PR, but usually not.
1-3 full range singles- sometimes, just the minimum to get a weight to touch; other times, something heavier, may a PR attempt if I feel good.
Then a couple accessory lifts- rear delts, DB press, extensions, for example.

I have done this both with and without a raw day. While I am pretty whupped after doing these workouts, I can’t say that I have ever overtrained.


Using less volume sounds reasonable as a drug free lifter. I just can’t imagine doing this routine as it is written and either regressing or overtraining after a few weeks.

I also modify WSB, BTW. When I feel a bit beat up I will switch to a 10 day cycle instead of a 7 day one. When I need a break from it, I do the 5 by 5 system.

Remember Julius, after a few weeks (4), you deload in this program, and that’s when you start to supercompensate.

Eric Talmant has a fair bit of information on Sheiko routines on elitefts.com


[quote]Julius_Caesar wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Julius_Caesar wrote:

Russians are notorious steroid freaks and cheaters.

Juicers, yes. I believe AAS products are legal over the counter in Russia and certainly many lifters there avail themselves of this more liberal situation. However, these same drugs abound in the U.S. as well and many lifters here use them as well. In addition, most American lifters are probably in a better postiton to afford more exotic drugs that would be priced out of reach for most Russians- GH, IGF, etc.

Cheaters? How so?

They get caught cheating all of the time in Olympic sports. Back when they were commies they would have their commie judges help out their fellow commies.[/quote]

and the Americans haven’t been - BS ny friend, many US sprinters and throwers have been rubbed out for steriods.

[quote]molnes wrote:
Remember Julius, after a few weeks (4), you deload in this program, and that’s when you start to supercompensate. [/quote]

I certainly hope he hasn’t been training Sheiko 4x a week for the past year!! Looks like your advice came just in time…