First off, I apologize in advance if this has already been answered. I did a search, and seemed to get mixed results, and hoped to find some resolution to my questions. Here it is:
Today was “Day 5” as per the ABBH1 spreadsheet posted 2 posts above this one. I have 115 and 105 for chins and dips, respectively. Those numbers represent a total weight, as in, my bodyweight, minus assistance pounds = total weight being moved.
So, assuming I weigh about 145, 115 means 30 pounds of assistance on the assisted dip machine. With these numbers in mind, I figured I would put 30 and 40 pounds of assistance, respectively, on the machine for each exercise. This didn’t work out.
I must have really overestimated my 1 rep max, as I’m sure I would have gone to failure by the 3rd (or even 2nd in the case of the chin ups) set at those weights. Instead of 5 sets of 10 reps (all at one weight), here is how things worked out:
Dips (assistance x reps)
I kept adjusting the assistance upwards as I felt necessary, to ensure I didn’t end up going to failure before 10 reps. As you can see, I must have been way off in my estimate of my 1RM for these particular exercises. Incidentally, I used an online calculator to come up with my 1RM for these, and all the other exercises shown in the sheet.
Having said all this, and made all those adjustments, I’m not too sure what weights I will start at next time round. I think I will have to make an educated guess, and adjust again if I am approaching failure.
Should I have approached this differently? Is there a better way to come up with the weights I should use for my next workout?
Thanks in advance,