ABBH Without A Squat Rack?

The crappy school gym I go to (free!) doesn’t have a squat rack, only a lever squat machine

( ) and a smith machine.

What should I do?

Just clean the damn thing.

I am currently in the same boat. I don’t have a squat rack. I can clean the bar, but I can’t clean enought weight to challenge my legs.

I am looking into doing hack squats or single leg squats in place of squats for now.

Similar question: my school’s weight room has no dip bars, is there something else i can do for vertical chest? would decline bench work?

[quote]Chris Velletri wrote:
Similar question: my school’s weight room has no dip bars, is there something else i can do for vertical chest? would decline bench work?[/quote]

The most similar movement to a dip is the decline close-grip bench. Otherwise, you can substitute military presses.

For those without a squat rack, you should be okay. Remember, you’re only using 60% of your max for the first three weeks of front squats. You should be able to clean this amount to perform them. The tough part will be the last three weeks of the program where you end up doing 10x3 with front squats. If you cannot clean 80% of your max, then you may need to use another movement (barbell hack squats, lunges, step-ups - using dumbbells).

if there are no dipping bars in your gym you could try what i used to do…it sounds stupid but it worked…if there is a power rack in your gym, just set the spotters up at about the height that the dip bars should be…then lay a normal bar across the spotters and roll it to the back of the rack…then use one of the corners on the inside of the rack to do your dips…so one hand will be on the spotter and the other on the barbell…sounds stupid but i hope that it helps…you have to make due with what you got…

Clean the weight and do front squats.
Or use dumbbells.

Any ideas how to modify this one? I got a squat rack from NYBB, and I also purchased some dip attaching bars to go with it. They basically attach to either the right or the left side’s supports, but the problem is that the supports are so far apart that doing a tucked arm dip (tricep isolator?) is not possible; I can only perform flared arm dips on them. What would you do to modify these?
