Am I stupid or is there no Hamstring work on ABBH? I guess I can see no direct shoulder training, but how about some trap work? Maybe it’s not needed with all the back work?
One last thing… Is this a good mag10 program?
Am I stupid or is there no Hamstring work on ABBH? I guess I can see no direct shoulder training, but how about some trap work? Maybe it’s not needed with all the back work?
One last thing… Is this a good mag10 program?
This one’s been covered a few hundred times, so I’ll do Chad a favor and fill you in.
Trap work: deadlifts, bentover rows
Hamstrings: deadlifts, plus whatever you get from deep squats
Im so stupid I didnt see it in day 7.
So in day 3 I pretty much do one set excercise (front squat) rest 60 sec
Then move to my next body part (abs) for one set , rest 60 secs
then calfs for one set, rest and repeat excercise 1?
Additinally I’ll add that it won’t hurt and in fact can promote growth by no direct work for 6-10 weeks, afterward change programs to something invovling direct work on said groups and you’ll enjoy some further growth.
No shoulder work?? How about bench press, dips, rows and chinups!
Can someone answer my question about the actual superset part of it I posted above?
I mean If the gym is packet and I cant get to my next bodypart after 60 secs can I just contiue with my current excercise? Or just wait it out?
If you read the article carefully, it says that the exercises listed in the workout are suggestions. I’ve considered doing ABBH with Romanian DLs (big time ham emphasis) and using overhead presses on the vertical day rather than dips.
Im not worried about the exact excersize. Im worried about switching to next excersize. Let me see If I can explain where I am screwed up:
1st set of flat bench, then Im supposed to rest and do my first set of say seated row. In other words I am not doing 10 sets of flat bench in a row, I move to the next excersize.
But what If the place is crowded and next thing you need is taken? How critical is the timing?
In a crowded gym its going to be hard to keep 3 different body part stations free for you.
I cant be the only one who has run into this, cmon guys
I’ve been doing the ABBH workout for a while now, so I know that you run into the problem of keeping the stations free in a crowded gym.
However, it’s three reps. That’s it. Though I continually found people using all the equipment I had laid out and covered in a towel, etc. (I’m in Spain, they don’t practice gym etiquette here) it really didn’t make a difference. Asking to work in for three reps didn’t matter to other people at all.
With the ten-rep groups, it pretty much works the same.
Also, in exercise selection, pick one exercise that requires the equipment (e.g. bench press) and complement it with something that doesn’t need a complicated setup (machine row instead of barbell row). Another combo for me was barbell military press and pullup bar Splitting like that made it pretty easy to use equipment for all 10 sets without annoying people too much.
Thanks for the reply. I imagine off times would help as well.
Jhferry, in day 1 you perform the 1st set of bench press 3 reps, then rest 60 s, then you perform the first set of barbell row 3 reps, then 60 s rest. Then repeat this sequence other 9 times.
I have your same problem: my gym is crowded. For day 1, I go to a bench where there is a supported loadable barbell then I bring a 2nd loaded barbell and place it on the floor at the end of a bench. In this way I can perform barbell bench and row without moving around. In day 3 and 7, I place a rubber math on the floor and a loaded barbell close to it. In this way I can perform either front squat/floor pikes or deadlift/crunches without moving around. I have to move to train the calves (standing/seated) but luckily in my gym the calves machines are seldom taken. In day 5 five I perform military presses/lat pulldowns. Again a put a loaded barbell on the floor. For the 1st rep I clean and press it. When complited the first set of military presses I move to the lat machine. There are two machines available. If they are occupied I wait the other guy to complete his set then I perform my set.
Hope that helps !
Yep, that does help thanks!
Worst case scenario: You can perform all 10 sets in a row for a given exercise. Obviously, you’ll need to decrease the weight and you’ll gain less maximal strength but you will gain as much hypertrophy.