I am doing the apf texas cup in waxahachie in november. if anyone is doing this meet, hit me up.
I will be there as a spectator. Randy & Liz do a great job.
Where do you train? What weight class will you be entered in?
I’ll be there. I’m competing APF Masters 45-49, 308lb weight class. I usually do the Masters and Open but my money was funny by the deadline. I’m trying to total 2000lbs.
bluecollar: i’ll be competing in the 242 weight class, in the aapf meet. I train and work at ht fitness in taylor,texas.
khali: awesome, this is my first meet since high school powerlifting and I am looking very forward to it. 2000 is a phenomenal total. what are your lifts?
I am also just doing the juniors 20-23 year olds, i am 20 years old
[quote]strmiskac019 wrote:
bluecollar: i’ll be competing in the 242 weight class, in the aapf meet. I train and work at ht fitness in taylor,texas.
khali: awesome, this is my first meet since high school powerlifting and I am looking very forward to it. 2000 is a phenomenal total. what are your lifts?[/quote]
My best squat is 804lbs in a Inzer Leviathan. At the APF Masters back in May I did 788lbs in a Inzer T-Rex. I barely missed 810lbs at lockout during the Europa in August in the T-Rex. Best bench is 451lbs but Sept I did 419lbs at Tiny Meeker’s WABDL meet which was a masters state record. At that same meet I deadlifted 744lbs for a world record which is my all-time best. I just started pulling conventional again last June. My best sumo was 683lbs.
those are outrageoous lifts man, i’m really impressed. you don’t come across many people with those kind of numbers. I just ordered an inzer xrt squat suit i should be getting it in any day now. I hope to bench at least 405, squat 600 and deadlift 600 . I deadlift conventional as well. I pulled 545 100 lbs of tension bands from the 2nd pin a few days ago, so hopefully i can meet my personal goal of 600 or more on the deadlift on november 5th.
[quote]strmiskac019 wrote:
those are outrageoous lifts man, i’m really impressed. you don’t come across many people with those kind of numbers. I just ordered an inzer xrt squat suit i should be getting it in any day now. I hope to bench at least 405, squat 600 and deadlift 600 . I deadlift conventional as well. I pulled 545 100 lbs of tension bands from the 2nd pin a few days ago, so hopefully i can meet my personal goal of 600 or more on the deadlift on november 5th.[/quote]
You’ll do it. Don’t set your opener’s too high, relax and stay confident, and have a good handler. I’ve been fortunate to have one of my sons at my side during my meets and it makes a big difference.
thanks man, i’m thinking of opening up with 510, bench will be 365, deadlift will be 540
[quote]strmiskac019 wrote:
thanks man, i’m thinking of opening up with 510, bench will be 365, deadlift will be 540[/quote]
Looks good to me. You always want to open with something you can slam because it’s not about what you start with, it’s how you finish. See you at the top!
thanks man, sounds good. Look forward to meeting you in Waxahachie
I attended the squat portion of this meet Saturday morning. Randy & Liz had a great staff and the meet ran smooth through the four squat flights. Henry Thomason had no problem with 1,207 on his second and had near-miss on depth at 1,273 for a third. He had great command over the weight, just didn’t quite get depth. No shortage of great lifts throughout the squat!
Congrats to T-Member Khalidshadid64 (I believe I recognized you) with a successful 3rd attempt over 800 lbs. Way to stand tall!
T-Member: strmiskac019…I couldn’t pick you out my friend…how did your day go?
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
I attended the squat portion of this meet Saturday morning. Randy & Liz had a great staff and the meet ran smooth through the four squat flights. Henry Thomason had no problem with 1,207 on his second and had near-miss on depth at 1,273 for a third. He had great command over the weight, just didn’t quite get depth. No shortage of great lifts throughout the squat!
Congrats to T-Member Khalidshadid64 (I believe I recognized you) with a successful 3rd attempt over 800 lbs. Way to stand tall!
T-Member: strmiskac019…I couldn’t pick you out my friend…how did your day go? [/quote]
Thanks man, that 3rd lift was a grinder. My son picked it and I didn’t know what it was until it was done. It felt like it was ATG but it was all good. strmiskac019 was there. He found me near the warm up room. I know he hit all his opener’s but I don’t know how he finished.
I finished pretty good, though i did not have good shoes to squat with. I got my 530 opener, and missed 580 twice because the bar went forward. I missed my opening bench twice and finally got it on the third attempt. it was 363. Deadlift I set a personal record with 573. I ended up finishing first place, and set three new records for that meet. Khalid, good to meet you man, and great job at the meet. Stay in touch.
[quote]strmiskac019 wrote:
I finished pretty good, though i did not have good shoes to squat with. I got my 530 opener, and missed 580 twice because the bar went forward. I missed my opening bench twice and finally got it on the third attempt. it was 363. Deadlift I set a personal record with 573. I ended up finishing first place, and set three new records for that meet. Khalid, good to meet you man, and great job at the meet. Stay in touch.[/quote]
Congrats on the work you put in. I’d recommend chucks to squat and deadlift in. If you want deadlift slippers to pull in I’d do Crain’s. I sent you one PM after the meet but I’ll send you another with my number so you can keep me updated on your progress.
Nice job guys. I love seeing numbers and videos from actual meets. Great motivation.