Hi there,
I am brainstorming a lot at the moment about training-so sorry for overposting.
i always wondered why it is NOT possible to include the cycling approaches by pavel and bill starr. only for more volume-say mass.
i don´t want to invent new concepts or ´mess around with consisting ones-but wonder why the typical cycling approach doesn´t fit to more sets.
is it really so difficult?
Some might say its cause of the volume,that its not possible to maintain higher volume over time.
But high volume is relative…and depends on point of view and indiviual work capacity:
fex 5 reps (PTTP by Pavel) are more than 1 rep-so more volume.
A 40 rep volume is defenately more volume than 5,but also much less than 100.
See what i mean-who decides whats too much volume or too less?
look at bill starr-he advocates a volume of 25(5x5) and cycles only the weight.
But the volume is the same at each cycle-always 25.
You might say-well the first 4 are just warm ups-yeah sure-but each set about 60%1rpm can count as a work set.(training theory-min.weight to stimulate hypertrophy)
Regarding cycling-at PTTP by Pavel you start with a weight approx 80%of your best and start bulding up.
So if your best is 100 pounds for 5 you start with 80 pounds.
Stuart from Brawn does it the same way and so does Bill Starr.
Ok other example-lets say my record is 7 sets with 6 reps 1 min rest with 100pounds each set.(same number as above cause its easier for illustration)
Where is the problem if you also apply the 80% rule to that?
So you will start with 80pounds for 7 sets and 6 reps and 1min rest and start your way building the weights up like Bill starrs 5x5 or Pavels PTTP or BRAWN and try to make a PR fex with 85 pounds 7x6 then back off and start again.
Its exact the same idea-only with more sets.
i never got a reasonable explanation why this shouldn´t work.
its the same principle-back off and build slowly your weights-and as mentioned above “high” volume is relative.
Why the HELL is that so difficult?
i would be curious in an answer cause i NEVER get a GOOD one relating this topic.