I was wondering what women use a strength standard. I was have talked a friend into doing DeFranco’s Built like a Badass. I wanted her to post a log on here, but I gues she hasn’t gotten around to it yet. I for men I believe its 1.5 times bodyweight. I have looked for charts for women, for a starting point if nothing else. But the only one I can find is for high school girls. I was wondering what the upper 30’s standards are. Or the adult standards. I know I’m not supposed to talk about age with women.
What does she consider heavy and where would she like to progress to?
Here is a link anyway!
Most lifting federations have charts where lifters are classified based on their total for the big three. These charts take into consideration weight class, age, and raw vs. geared.
M-I-M I’m not sure where she wants to progress to or if she even wants to. She was thinking of changing her weightlifting goals and I was looking for ideas to give her to base things off body weight and numbers to look at.
I am not qualified to answer this question seeing as I do not compete, however I can tell you that these tiny bitches around here are HELLA STRONG. And my fatass isn’t as strong as it should be for how much poundage I am packing.
anyways. yep.
I guess what I was getting at, is if this girl is putting in a real effort, if she’s struggling(not failing) to get those last two reps in on her last set, then she is lifting heavy.
I think I lift heavier than the average female gym goer at my gym, but if I compared myself to some chart, then no, I suck!! lol
[quote]username42 wrote:
I was wondering what women use a strength standard. I was have talked a friend into doing DeFranco’s Built like a Badass. I wanted her to post a log on here, but I gues she hasn’t gotten around to it yet. I for men I believe its 1.5 times bodyweight. I have looked for charts for women, for a starting point if nothing else. But the only one I can find is for high school girls. I was wondering what the upper 30’s standards are. Or the adult standards. I know I’m not supposed to talk about age with women.[/quote]
i use body weight, and what i can do with it. can i squat it? deadlift it? bench it? how many pullups can i do?
beyond that, it’s, how much weight can i add?
using charts and the like is good for broad goals, but, i liken them to a scale. do better than you did yesterday and you’re doing pretty fucking good.
btw, username, how many pullups can you do?
[quote]CBear84 wrote:
[quote]username42 wrote:
I was wondering what women use a strength standard. I was have talked a friend into doing DeFranco’s Built like a Badass. I wanted her to post a log on here, but I gues she hasn’t gotten around to it yet. I for men I believe its 1.5 times bodyweight. I have looked for charts for women, for a starting point if nothing else. But the only one I can find is for high school girls. I was wondering what the upper 30’s standards are. Or the adult standards. I know I’m not supposed to talk about age with women.[/quote]
i use body weight, and what i can do with it. can i squat it? deadlift it? bench it? how many pullups can i do?
beyond that, it’s, how much weight can i add?
using charts and the like is good for broad goals, but, i liken them to a scale. do better than you did yesterday and you’re doing pretty fucking good.
btw, username, how many pullups can you do? [/quote]
Hmm definetely. Just aiming for PRs is a great measurement of strength.
Well CBear my pullups suck, I have worked my way to 20 pounds assisted for a set of 3. I hope to get one unassisted in the next month or so. Yes its sad, but I am working on getting better at it. Negected them for far too long.