Monday 9/3/08
Active Regeneration Session
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit x2 (10 movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
20 minute treadmill walk
Tuesday 10/3/08
Upper Max Workout
General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation
Reactive Training:
Power skips - 4x25yds
High box jumps - 7 step box 4x6
Resistance Training:
A)Incline bench press - 75kg x 1,1,1,1
B1)Neutral grip db bench press - 30kg x 8,8,8
B2)Chest supported machine row - 54kg x 8,8,8
C1)One-arm face pull - 5kg x 12,12,12
C1)Supine one-arm db protraction - 6kg x 15,15,15
D)Full contact twists - Oly bar +5kg x 8,8
Wednesday 11/3/08
Active Regeneration Session
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit x2 (10 movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
20 minute treadmill walk
Thursday 12/3/08
Lower rep/speed Workout
General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation
Reactive Training:
Single leg lateral box jumps - 4 steps 3x6
Split stance altitude landings - 5 steps 4x6
Resistance Training:
A)Box squat - 70kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2
B)Rack deadlift - 145kg x 5,5,5
C)Barbell front squat grip reverse lunge - 42.5kg x 5,5,5
D)Elevate split squat iso hold - 2x45secs
E)Side bridges - one leg 3x30secs
Friday 13/3/08
Upper rep/speed Workout
General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation
Resistance Training:
A)Speed bench - 45kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2
B1)Neutral grip one arm push press - 28kg x 5,5,5
B2)Close grip chin - +5kg x 5,5,5
C1)Push up iso hold - 2x45secs
C2)Db elbow supported external rotations - 4kg x 12,12,12
Saturday 14/3/08
Optional Regeneration
30 mins steam roam / cold shower recovery