A.P's Offseason

Hi all.

A quick intro; I am 23 years old, and have purchased John Berardi’s Precision Nutrition and Eric Cressey’s Ultimate Offseason Training Manual primarily to improve my performance on the soccer field next season, help me to gain strength in the gym, and improve my body composition by adding some muscle and losing some fat.

My base measurements are below. I have started training this week after the best part of a month off of the gym and any exercise combined with junk food, leaving me looking bad, but it certainly serves as motivation to improve matters.

Height - 5ft 10ins
Weight - 174lbs

Neck - 15 1/4ins
Shoulders - 48ins
Chest - 42 1/4ins
Upper arm - 14 1/2ins
Waist - 30ins
Hips - 34ins
Thigh - 24ins
Calf - 15ins

Diet outline:

I am starting off pretty much using the basic 10 habits of Precision Nutrition.

So carb wise it’s fruit at breakfast, simple sugars during and after training, and then vegetables (or superfood) only for all other meals, barring Sundays and Thursdays where I’ll have starchy carbs for the first solid meal after training (on Sundays I’ll also have 2 servings of fruit with the next 3 meals after that one to serve as a carb up).

As my training involves cycling high, medium, very high and low load weeks in that order, I’ll make slight periodised alterations based on this, which I’ll outline as I go along (e.g. halving the carb amounts on carb-up day during low load weeks for instance).

Training outline:

As stated, I’m using guidelines from Eric Cressey’s Ultimate Off-season Training Manual. Pre-season will start at the beginning of July, giving me around 17 off-season weeks. I plan on using around 12 of these weeks for general off-season, and the last 5 for late off-season where I’ll up the metabolic conditioning ready for the onset of preseason.

Although I am supposed to, I didn’t do any of the pre-tests recommended. I have instead started training using the static-proficient template (i.e. prioritising reactive over maximum strength). I did this as I have been training maximum strength only for God knows how long, so really needed a break and something different to focus on. After 4 weeks, I’ll do the tests (vertical jump and bench press for speed tests) to see what I need to prioritise for the next 8 weeks.

Saturday 28/2/09

Will record everything I eat for 2 weeks or so for monitoring purposes at this early stage, in order to make any adjustments based on results.

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Pineapple chunks
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Handful mixed nuts
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Handful mixed nuts
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

150g chicken breast
1/2 onion
1 red bell pepper
Salsa + cumin + paprika
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tsp superfood+
3 tbsp mixed nuts
2 tbsp flax seeds
2 handfuls mixed berries

1 scoop milk protein
125g low fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

A typical saturday where was out for most of the day, so reliance on shakes and repetetive food choices. Doesn’t happen everyday, so as long as the shakes are habit compliant then not the end of the world. Up early tomorrow for lower body max strength workout.

Sunday 1/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Pineapple chunks
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-10.00 - Lower Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Reflexive ankle jumps - 4x30
Squat stance altitude landings off box - 5x8

Resistance Training:
A)Deadlift - 130kg x 3,3,3
B)Dumbell Bulgarian o.l squat - 20kg x 8,8,8
C1)Glute-ham raises - BW x 8,8,8
C2)Reverse crunches - BW x 12,12,12
D)Side bridge - BW x 30secs,30secs,30secs

Sipped throughout workout:
40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

Very good workout after a near 2 week total layoff.
Flexibility felt very good and core felt strong despite long layoff.

40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine

250g lean mince beef
50g brown rice
1/2 onion, carrot + broccoli
Chilli powder, pepper and soy sauce

1 scoop milk protein
250ml semi-skimmed milk
1 banana
1 serving strawberries
1 tsp superfood+
Handul mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop chocolate whey protein
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
1 banana
1 apple
2 fish oil caps

2 slices Yorkshire ham
1 scoop milk protein
1 tsp supefood+
250g low fat yoghurt
125g pineapple
10g blueberries
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

2 scoop milk protein
1 tsp superfood+
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
2 fish oil caps

Today was my higher carb day of the week, where I have 4 PW meals following my early workout. I used fruit for this yesterday as opposed to any starchy carbs (bar the brown rice in the first meal), and it left me feeling pretty stuffed, so I will stick with it.

Monday 2/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Pineapple chunks
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-9.30 - Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (all movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit (all movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
15 minute treadmill walk (3.5 incline, 5.5 speed)

40g whey
25g dextrose
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

1 scoop milk protein
250g low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

250 lean mince beef
Brocolli, carrots and onion

Smoked salmon fillet w/salsa
Carrots, broccoli and green beans

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

2 scoops milk protein
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps
Tsp superfood+

Tuesday 3/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-10.00 - Upper Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Power skips - 4x25yds
High box jumps - 6 step box 4x8

Resistance Training:
A)Incline bench press - 70kg x 3,3,3
B1)Neutral grip db bench press - 30kg x 8,8,8(2 last reps after pause)
B2)Chest supported machine row - 47kg x 8,8,8,8
C1)One-arm face pull - 3.75kg x 12,12,12
C1)Supine one-arm db protraction - 4kg x 15,15,15
D)Full contact twists - Oly bar x 8,8,8

Sipped throughout workout:
40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

Another top workout, feel great in the gym after a nice rest, although feeling chubby from the inactivity and poor eating in that time. Everything was nice and comfortable today bar the db press, which I hate because of the neutral grip. I’m also really enjoying the reactive training as I’ve never done this before so it makes a nice change from just training for static strength. I’m going to do 4 weeks of reactive training and then do some tests to see what my emphasis should be for the next couple of months in terms of where my strength deficiencies lie.

40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine

8oz sirloin steak
Broccoli and carrots
Larged mixed leaf salad

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

1 large chicken breast
1/2 large onion, 1 green bell pepper, 1/2 large tomatoe
Salsa, paprika and cumin
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

Homemade protein bar (consisting of chocolate whey protein, flax meal, natural peanut butter and splenda)
1 tsp superfood+

2 scoops milk protein
Handful nuts
2 fish oil caps
1 tsp superfood+

Wednesday 4/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
Handful of nuts
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-9.30 - Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (all movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit (all movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
15 minute treadmill walk (5.5 incline, 5.5 speed)

40g whey
25g dextrose
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

Homemade protein bar (consisting of chocolate whey protein, flax meal, natural peanut butter and splenda)
1 tsp superfood+

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp superfood+
2 fish oil caps

5 egg whites + 1 whole egg
2 slices ham
Low fat cheddar cheese
Pepper and tomatoe
Salsa and paprika

Homemade protein bar (consisting of chocolate whey protein, flax meal, natural peanut butter and splenda)
1 tsp superfood+

2 scoops milk protein
Handful nuts
2 fish oil caps
1 tsp superfood+

Thursday 5/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-10.00 - Lower rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Single leg lateral box jumps - 4x8
Split stance altitude landings - 4x8

Resistance Training:
A)Box squat - 65kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
B)Rack deadlift - 140kg x 5,5,5
C)Barbell front squat grip reverse lunge - 35kg x 6,6,6
D)Elevate split squat iso hold - 3x35secs
E)Side bridges - 3x30secs

Tough workout - rack deads were tougher than expected, and I think this is because I am now doing them bare foot which makes a difference. Really pleased with reverse lunges. Iso holds were very brutal and can see these will reap benefits.

Sipped throughout workout:
40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine

13.00 (90% Meal 1)
Burger King Double Whopper
Regular fries
Tsp Superfood+

2 scoops milk protein
Handful of mixed nuts
1 tsp Superfood+

The Burger King did not sit well at all, and I felt sick at around 5pm and my mouth was very dry. I think that after 5 days of clean eating and low carbs, the salty and fatty Burger King was a bit of a shock to the system. Needless to say, I won’t be repeating in the near future and wish I’d gone with a cleaner cheat 90% meal.

Homemade protein bar (consisting of chocolate whey protein, flax meal, natural peanut butter and splenda)
1 tsp Superfood+

2 scoops milk protein
Handful of mixed nuts
1 tsp Superfood+

Friday 6/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine, 200mg caffeine

8.15-9.15 - Upper rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Resistance Training:
A)Speed bench - 42.5kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
B1)Neutral grip one arm push press - 26kg x 5,5,5,5
B2)Close grip chin - BW x 5,5,5,5
C1)Push up iso hold - 3x35secs
C2)Db elbow supported external rotations - 4kg x 12,12,12

This was a brisk workout. I like speed bench and can really see how this will carryover to heavier presses. Chins and push press are a tough superset.

Sipped throughout workout:
40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine

Chicken breast
Onion, peppers, tomatoe
Salsa, paprika, cumin
Handful of mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

1 scoop milk protein
250g low fat yoghurt
1 tsp Superfood
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

Smoked salmon fillet
Carrots, green beans, broccoli

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood
2 fish oil caps

2 scoops milk protein
1 tsp Superfood
Handul mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

Saturday 7/3/09

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C

1 scoop milk protein
250g low fat yoghurt
1 tsp Superfood
Handful mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

Chicken breast
Onion, peppers, tomatoe
Salsa, paprika, cumin
Handful of mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood
2 fish oil caps

Roast lamb
Broccoli, green beans, carrots

2 scoops milk protein
1 tsp Superfood
Handul mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

2 scoops milk protein
1 tsp Superfood
Handul mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

Sunday 8/3/09

Weight: 168lbs

Weight is down quite a bit after a week, which is all the garbage weight gone following a week of clean eating. Will continue to weigh once a week just to keep tabs.

1 scoop milk protein
250ml low fat yoghurt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps
1 cup green tea
Multivitamin, Vitamin C
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine, 200mg caffeine

8.30-10.00 - Lower Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Reflexive ankle jumps - 3x30
Squat stance altitude landings off box - 4x8

Resistance Training:
A)Deadlift - 140kg x 1,1,1,1
B)Dumbell Bulgarian o.l squat - 22kg x 8,8,8
C1)Glute-ham raises - BW x 8,8,8
C2)Reverse crunches - BW x 12,12,12
D)Side bridge (one leg) - BW x 30secs,30secs,30secs

Sipped throughout workout:
40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine

Good workout but didn’t feel super strong. Carbs are pretty low, which I am thinking may be the cause. Will continue as I am for another week before reviewing any diet adjustments I can make. My first move would probably be to add in starchy carbs for the first solid food meal after my PW shake every workout.

40g whey
50g dextrose/maltodextrin mix
5g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, 5g Creatine, 5g Beta-Alanine

1 scoop whey protein
250ml milk
50g oats
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood+
2 fish oil caps

1 scoop milk protein
250ml milk
1 tsp Superfood
Handful of mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

150g low fat cottage cheese
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood
2 fish oil caps

Roasted chicken breast
1 slice ham
Low fat cheddar cheese
Iceberg lettuce salad and pepper
Handful of mixed nuts
2 fish oil caps

1 scoop milk protein
1 scoop whey protein
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 tsp Superfood
2 fish oil caps

End of week 1 review:

Appetite - 4/5

Am always ready for meals. Think I am craving carbs a bit, but whenever I do, it is usually time for a meal, which satisfies me. Do not feel deprived at all.

Sleep Quality - 5/5

Have been sleeping excellently, dropping off straight away and waking up feeling refreshed and that I have had a quality night’s sleep.

Tiredness - 0/5

Feel energetic all day and no sluggishness. Only time I feel tired is when I switch the tv on at bedtime.

Willingness to train - 5/5

Am super motivated to train, and even look forward to cardio/regeneration sessions as a way to improve myself. Long may it continue!

Monday 9/3/08

Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit x2 (10 movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
20 minute treadmill walk

Tuesday 10/3/08

Upper Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Power skips - 4x25yds
High box jumps - 7 step box 4x6

Resistance Training:
A)Incline bench press - 75kg x 1,1,1,1
B1)Neutral grip db bench press - 30kg x 8,8,8
B2)Chest supported machine row - 54kg x 8,8,8
C1)One-arm face pull - 5kg x 12,12,12
C1)Supine one-arm db protraction - 6kg x 15,15,15
D)Full contact twists - Oly bar +5kg x 8,8

Wednesday 11/3/08

Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity weights circuit x2 (10 movements 20 reps @ 30%1rm)
20 minute treadmill walk

Thursday 12/3/08

Lower rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Single leg lateral box jumps - 4 steps 3x6
Split stance altitude landings - 5 steps 4x6

Resistance Training:
A)Box squat - 70kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2
B)Rack deadlift - 145kg x 5,5,5
C)Barbell front squat grip reverse lunge - 42.5kg x 5,5,5
D)Elevate split squat iso hold - 2x45secs
E)Side bridges - one leg 3x30secs

Friday 13/3/08

Upper rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Resistance Training:
A)Speed bench - 45kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2
B1)Neutral grip one arm push press - 28kg x 5,5,5
B2)Close grip chin - +5kg x 5,5,5
C1)Push up iso hold - 2x45secs
C2)Db elbow supported external rotations - 4kg x 12,12,12

Saturday 14/3/08

Optional Regeneration

30 mins steam roam / cold shower recovery

End of week 2 review:

Appetite - 4/5

Same as last week but no cravings at all now and have adjusted to this way of eating now. Felt no need for ‘cheat meals’, but do need to cut out habit of eating the odd sweet which adds up, so I will address this in the forthcoming week.

Sleep Quality - 5/5

Same as last week

Tiredness - 0/5

Feel energetic all day and no sluggishness still. Did have a couple of later than usual nights Friday and Saturday so not as much sleep, but I don’t drink or anything so nothing to mess me up too bad.

Willingness to train - 5/5

Am still super motivated to train

With high intensity/volume week coming up, I will up the size of my workout drink and cut down on the volume during regeneration sessions.

Sunday 15/3/08

Lower Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Reflexive ankle jumps - 4x30
Squat stance altitude landings off box - 7steps 5x8

Resistance Training:
A)Front squat - 85kg x 3,3,3,3
B)Dumbell Bulgarian o.l squat - 22kg x 8,8,8,8
C1)Glute-ham raises - BW x 8,8,8
C2)Reverse crunches - BW x 12,12,12
D)Side bridge (one leg) - BW x 30secs,30secs,30secs

Monday 16/3/08

Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (all movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity band circuit (all movements 20 reps)
15 minute treadmill walk

Tuesday 17/3/09

Upper Max Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Power skips - 5x25yds
High box jumps - 7 step box 6x6

Resistance Training:
A)Close grip pin press - 75kg x 3,3,3
B1)Neutral grip db bench press - 32kg x 8,8,8
B2)Chest supported machine row - 61kg x 8, 54kg x 8,8,8
C1)One-arm face pull - 6.25kg x 12,12,12
C1)Supine one-arm db protraction - 8kg x 15,15,15
D)Full contact twists - Oly bar +10kg x 8,8,8,8

Wednesday 18/3/09

Active Regeneration Session

Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility circuit (all movements for 30 seconds each before moving to next)
Low intensity band circuit (all movements 20 reps)
15 minute treadmill walk

Thursday 19/3/09

Lower rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Reactive Training:
Single leg lateral box jumps - 4 steps 4x8
Split stance altitude landings - 5 steps 5x8

Resistance Training:
A)Box squat - 75kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
B)Rack deadlift - 150kg x 5,5,5,5
C)Barbell front squat grip reverse lunge - 50kg x 6,6,6,6
D)Elevated split squat iso hold - 3x50secs
E)Side bridges - one leg 3x30secs

Friday 20/3/09

Upper rep/speed Workout

General Warmup (20 mins):
Foam rolling/soft tissue work
Dynamic flexibility/activation

Resistance Training:
A)Speed bench - 50kg x 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
B1)Neutral grip one arm push press - 28kg x 5,5,5,5,5
B2)Close grip chin - +7.5kg x 5,5,5,5,5
C1)Push up iso hold - 3x50secs
C2)Db elbow supported external rotations - 4kg x 12,12,12

Friday Note:

This ‘very high’ volume week has been very tough, but very rewarding, and I feel that everything has started to come together both in training and in diet. For instance, I am sticking my landings perfectly on the reactive training movements, and my weights are all going up nicely.

I can also feel that my glutes are becoming more and more active and dominant in every lower body session and dynamic warmup I do, and I can’t wait to see what changes this will yield on the soccer pitch come preseason. I have also very much enjoyed the regeneration band circuits this week, which are a nice change of feeling from cables and free weights.

Diet wise, it has also been an excellent week. I feel absolutely great the way I am eating. I am strictly adhering to the 10 habits of Precision Nutrition eating with no problems at all. Also, last week I said I needed to cut out my habit of ‘nibbling’ at sweets or junk (i.e. stealing a couple of fries off someone’s plate) as the little bits will all start to add up.

Well, I am pleased to say that I have successfully cut this out totally this week, and the times I have felt the need to ‘nibble’ between meals, I have had some cold cuts of meat or low fat string cheese ready to eat.

I can’t begin to say how enthusiastic I am about things at the moment and what the next few months could bring.