A New Pro Football League?

What do you guys think of this?


At first I thought it was just a rumor or maybe a hoax, until I saw the list of coaches that have been hired.

Jim Haslett
Ted Cottrell
Jim Fassel
Denny Green

And Denny Green was on Mike and Mike this am…

Their season supposedly starts in October of this year with the championship game being played in Vegas around Thanksgiving. I don’t see any specific team logos or potential players or any of that, but heck man, there’s nothing wrong with more football if you ask me.

Edit: Thursday night games aired on Vs…

They should have their games after the NFL season. God knows there’s nothing in the way of sports after the NFL.

baseball while going to a game can be fun, just sucks ass. And I could care less about who stuck a needle in ARODs butt. Amazing in football it’s like “wow, they took steroids? suspend them and let’s move on”

Perhaps Mike Vick will play for one of those teams and attract a speck of attention to the league.

But in theory the UFL seems like a cool idea and I hope it works out and they end up expanding to more teams.

People don’t pay money to watch the coaches. The only way this could work is if it ended up being a developmental league for the NFL. But in that case the season should be after the Super Bowl. All the teams are in warmer climates IIRC so that shouldn’t be a problem.

I was talking to my girl and thought it would be awesome if they became respectable. Then their champ could play the NFL champ in a Super-Super Bowl. That would be freakin’ su-ha-weet!

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
People don’t pay money to watch the coaches. The only way this could work is if it ended up being a developmental league for the NFL. But in that case the season should be after the Super Bowl. All the teams are in warmer climates IIRC so that shouldn’t be a problem.[/quote]

So you are saying that nobody wants to watch the awesome defensive coach Ted Cottrell make a team suck just like he did with the Chargers.

From the way Denny Green described it, it’s going to be a developmental league, more like the minors for baseball.

Teams will be able to sign players once the UFL season has concluded sometime around thanksgiving, which would give that particular team the needed depth as it makes a push for the playoffs.

I doubt it makes it off the ground. Smaller professional fooball leagues do not generate enough revenue to make this happen. Time will tell but you heard it here first.

Edit:There actually was just a league that was set up like this last year. I should remember the name as I almost worked with them but I can’t recall right now. The stipulations of the league included that you must have graduated from college and you played for the pro team in your region. They had a draft, with Eric Crouch being #1, but they couldn’t get enought funding to continue. I also worked with AFL2 Texas Copperheads but that league and AFl took a year off to adjust their business model. The fact is that people are not willing to pay good money to see these leagues when we have 4 - 5 elite leagues going on year round.

Why? Do we really need this?

Epic fail. GL to them though.

XFL part two