Good evening all,
First of all, I am 29 years old, I weight 176.36pounds and I am 5.8"tall.
Body fat 9%/10%.
I had to do a break for a while, but I do train for 9 years almost 10 and I have trained hard for the last year.
I already did a cycle this year, an 8 week cycle that ended by july.
My post cycle treatment was not that good.
Lost some of my libido, but I just stoped taking 200deca and 200 boldenone and 500mg testblood at once. so i think it was normal what happened to me.
But everything is back to normal anyways…
Now I looking forward to start a new cycle that I have designed for 10 weeks and it goes like this:
week 1 -4 androlik 50mg everyday
week 1-10 induject 250mg every week, 500mg on weeks 4 to 8
week 3-8 boldenone, week 4 - 200mg, week 5 - 400mg, week 6 - 600mg, week 7 - 400mg, week 8 - 200mg
or should I do:
week 3 200mg boldenone
week 4-7 400gm boldenone
week 8 200mg boldenone
week 1-10 arimidex everyday 0,5mg
pct will start at week 13 with dufine(same as novaldex)100mg first 5 days and 50mg other 5 days and 25mg till it ends the box
hcg(will exclude this one of pct and put it in cycle) and some natural testosterone promoter if necessary
will add some vit.b12 20.000ui everyother day also.
sorry for my english as I am portuguese.
(lived in canada for 5years though, but lost it all…lol)
comments will be apreciated.
Thank you all in advance.
***androlic is Oxymethylone dosed in 50mg/pill
***induject is the same as sustanom (testosterone propionate 30 mg / testosterone / phenylpropionate 60 mg / testosterone isocaproate 60 mg / testosterone decanoate 100mg)